Omega 3 And 6 Fatty Acids – How To Recognize A Deficit?

Omega 3 and 6 are essential fatty acids that our body cannot produce on its own. However, he needs them very much to fulfill certain life functions in a healthy and proper way. If we run out of fatty acids in the body, we will certainly notice the symptoms.
Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids - how to recognize a deficit?

Essential Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids are irreplaceable in any healthy diet.

The name essential fatty acids comes from the fact that the body is unable to produce them on its own, but they are the basic ingredient in the structure of our body’s cells.

Perhaps you have never thought about it before or attached much importance to it.

It turns out, however, that many people avoid these types of ingredients, because fatty acids are nothing but fats after all. We find them in products such as:

  • An avocado
  • Fish
  • Peanuts
  • Eggs
  • Olives

It turns out that we should eat these foods because they don’t make us fat. In fact, our body needs a lot of healthy fatty acids on a regular basis.

Instead of being deposited in our body in the form of adipose tissue, they facilitate many functions of our body, accelerate metabolism and other chemical processes necessary for our health and well-being.

In today’s article, we will suggest that you increase the amount of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids you eat. You will notice positive changes and your body will repay you.

Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids – what are they really?

As you probably know, there are tons of products artificially enriched with Omega 3 and Omega 6 these days. There are special cocktails, milk, butter and margarine to which these ingredients are added.

Foods rich in healthy fatty acids

We cannot deny that such products can be helpful in some way. However, since our body is not able to produce fatty acids on its own, it would be best to use them in the most natural form.

How? Eating salmon, nuts, flax seeds or even broccoli.

  • Linoleic acid (LA or Omega 6) is a long chain fatty acid. First of all, we can find it in seeds, nuts, dried fruits, nuts and dried fruits, and oils such as sunflower oil.
  • Omega 3 fatty acids can be found in sea fish, seafood, vegetables, olive oil, nuts and almonds.
  • Both Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids are an essential component of cell membranes and are responsible for the constant renewal of cells and processes in our body.
  • Moreover, they are an important source of energy.

Symptoms of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acid deficiency

1. Dry skin

One of the clinical symptoms of essential fatty acid deficiency is undoubtedly dry skin. It is very common among young children if they do not eat properly.

Dry skin

Very often, skin problems are a direct result of not consuming large amounts of Omega 3 and Omega 6. We will notice this especially at times when we are prone to skin infections and we notice abnormal wound healing.

2. Premature births

Although the causes of preterm labor are not fully understood, it can be influenced by factors such as maternal age, smoking, stress, and low levels of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids.

The ingredients we discuss help the fetus to develop properly in the first weeks of its life in the womb. They are like natural, high-quality “fuel” that supports the proper functioning of cells and the formation of a child.

Adequate nutrition is a key factor during pregnancy, so elements such as vitamin D, calcium and fatty acids are essential and you should definitely use them as often as possible.

3. Heart problems

Eating foods rich in Omega 6 fatty acids helps us protect our heart in an amazing way. They provide us with energy and help reduce the overall amount of cholesterol in the body and the level of triglycerides.

  • In addition, Omega 3 fatty acids significantly reduce the risk of blood clots, reduce the presence of atherosclerotic embolism and help us control inflammation.

It is important to remember this and try to consume as many natural sources of this type of fatty acid as possible.

4. Extreme tiredness and a feeling of exhaustion

Never forget it: no slimming diet should completely rule out the consumption of fats, especially omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids.

If our body lacks these ingredients, after some time we will notice significant fatigue and lack of energy.

Tired woman sitting on the bed

A large proportion of the calories we supply to our body should come from fats. That is why they should be included in our well-composed and properly balanced dishes every day.

You will find that after a while, you will enjoy more energy.

5. Greater likelihood of developing inflammation

When we say “inflammation” we mean diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis.

Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids have many benefits, including relief from joint inflammation and morning joint pain and stiffness.


The fatty acids help reduce swelling and pain by acting as a natural anti-inflammatory agent. But remember: it is very important to eat foods rich in these ingredients every day. Thanks to this, you will be able to use their healing properties constantly.

Bottom line: We realize that you have heard the name Omega 3 and Omega 6 many times.

Remember, it’s not just about eating fads. Rather, it’s about your good health, well-being and quality of life. Therefore, do not hesitate, increase their consumption in your daily diet today.

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