Parasites – Eliminate Them By Reaching For Cloves And Linseeds

The advantage of using cloves and linseed to get rid of parasites is that they are completely natural and non-irritating. They also do not disturb the natural pH of our intestines, and what’s more – they help to strengthen it.
Parasites - eliminate them by reaching for cloves and flaxseeds

Intestinal parasites are organisms that can cause us numerous ailments and unpleasant symptoms – especially when they begin to multiply.

Parasites that breed in our intestines can take the form of protozoa (such as Giardia) or roundworms and flatworms. They get into our body by eating contaminated food or drinking dirty water.

People living in poor sanitary conditions are particularly vulnerable to parasitic diseases. However, they can also appear when we improperly prepare dishes or we deal with equipment contaminated by an infected person.

Parasites – where do they come from in our intestines?

The type and severity of the symptoms we show in a parasitic infection largely depends on the functioning of our immune system. That is why the symptoms often vary considerably.

Nevertheless, it is worth paying attention to any symptoms in order to detect a parasitic infection at its earliest stages. Thanks to this, we will avoid more serious health complications.

Fortunately, before we reach for strong pharmacological agents available in pharmacies, we can try 100% natural and safe methods. They will help us get rid of parasites easily.

The list of natural remedies for this ailment includes, among others, a medicine made of flax and cloves. It is known for its gut cleansing properties without unnecessarily disturbing our bacterial flora.

A remedy of cloves and linseed for intestinal parasites

Both components attack these microorganisms and change the environment, interfering with their growth and reproduction. Unlike other parasite medications, they do not alter the natural pH of our bacterial flora. On the contrary, they have a positive effect on it, which helps to fight infections faster and more effectively.

Properties of cloves in the fight against parasites

Cloves exhibit antiparasitic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. This can help destroy and get rid of many kinds of these unwanted guests multiplying at an alarming rate in our digestive system.

Dried cloves
  • Cloves are effective at killing parasites because the essential oils they contain inhibit the multiplication of these organisms.
  • Moreover, they prevent these organisms from releasing toxins into our bloodstream, thus helping us to avoid further complications.
  • In addition, they reduce irritation of the gastric mucosa, soothing swelling and recurring abdominal pain.

Properties of linseed in the fight against parasites

Linseed is known for its high fiber content, fatty acids and phytochemicals. For this and many other reasons, this product is an effective remedy for many disorders of our digestive system.

Linseed for parasites
  • Flaxseed contains large amounts of soluble fiber, a substance that, when combined with water, turns into a kind of gel or jelly. Fiber also effectively captures toxins present in the body, facilitating their elimination.
  • What’s more, flaxseed also provides us with insoluble fiber. This, in turn, is needed to “sweep out” the waste that usually accumulates inside our intestine.
  • Flaxseed also has a slightly laxative effect. So it improves metabolism and helps prevent constipation.
  • This measure strengthens the immune system and increases the presence of antibodies in our body. This helps to fight infections more effectively
  • It has parasiticidal properties and reduces inflammation. This supports the health of the digestive system, especially in the face of parasites.
  • It perfectly nourishes our bacterial flora and prevents it from deteriorating.

A remedy based on cloves and linseed – a method of preparation

Homemade remedy prepared on the basis of cloves and linseed can be used as a supplement in the treatment of parasitic infections. However, it is recommended to use them regularly for preventive purposes.

Whole and ground linseed


  • One and a half teaspoons of cloves (20 g)
  • 3/4 cup of linseed (about 100 g)

A method of preparing

  • Crush the cloves or grind them finely – the idea is to get the dust.
  • Also grind the flax seeds and mix both ingredients together.

Way of consumption

  • Mix two tablespoons of the resulting mixture with a glass of lukewarm water. Drink on an empty stomach.
  • Repeat the intake for 3 days in a row, then rest for three days and resume treatment.
  • Optionally, you can also add the remedy to fruit juices or a smoothie for breakfast.

How can I determine if I have intestinal parasites?

Some parasitic infections are mild and we have no idea they exist as they do not cause serious symptoms. However, when they get complicated, they cause a whole series of serious reactions in our body. This helps to determine if parasites are the cause of our complications.

Abdominal pain caused by a parasitic infection

Here are the most common symptoms:

  • Attacks of diarrhea and changes in stool color and texture.
  • Changes in appetite and eating habits as well as sudden, unreasonable weight loss.
  • Malnutrition.
  • Feeling tired, unable to sleep or irritable.
  • Abdominal pain and inflammation.
  • Dry cough.
  • Burning or itching around the vagina or anus.
  • Nausea and vomiting.

If your symptoms worsen over time, see your doctor immediately. In order to avoid parasitic infections, you need to take care of hygiene, especially when it comes to food and cleanliness in public places.

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