Penguin Grateful For Saving His Life

The behavior of animals often makes us reflect. This is also the case with the touching story in which the penguin lovingly repays the man who saved his life each year.
Grateful penguin for saving his life

In our daily life, we often witness stories that show the close sentimental relationship between animals and humans. Read today a touching story about a penguin who was once saved by a man.

Usually, however, when we talk about our furry pets, we mean dogs and cats. Yes – they are the most popular pets, but there are also cases when a cow, a pig, a rat or even a penguin becomes a human’s best friend .

Many people still do not believe in the friendship between humans and animals. However, it is not even necessary to resort to scientific research, but to the everyday life of most of us to confirm that animals get along perfectly with their master and can show him affection in the most surprising ways.

Find out how the penguin behaves towards the man who once saved his life. Read our beautiful and touching story.

Can a penguin make friends with a human?

The protagonists of the history of the Magellanic Penguin and being retired Brazilian, who in 2011 saved the animal from death. The news of their friendship spread around the world via social networks and the international media.

There are many videos circulating on the web showing how the penguin is able to show gratitude for saving his life five years ago.

How it all started

The whole story began in Brazil, on the coast of Rio de Janeiro, where the Brazilian Joao Pereira de Souza – a bricklayer and fisherman by profession – found an exhausted Magellanic penguin on one of the beaches. The man noticed something unusual among the rocks on the beach, so he stepped closer to find out what it was.

Joao and Dindim

To his surprise, it was an exhausted penguin, covered in oil and completely defenseless. Of course, Joao did not hesitate for a moment and immediately set about saving the animal and carried it to his hut.

First, he removed the goo from his feathers, which was all stuck to him, and then carefully looked after him so that the penguin could quickly recover. From the very beginning, the man began to have a special affection for the animal, he even gave it a name – Dindim.

After Dindim regained his full strength, his savior released him back into the sea so that he could live his wild life again. When the moment of separation came, Joao Pereira was convinced that he would never again see the penguin he had saved. And here he was wrong!

The penguin repays for saving his life

A few months later, the penguin returned to the coast of Rio de Janeiro, to the beach where Joao Pereira was strolling, and immediately recognized his savior. From then on, I believe he spends 8 months with his human friend each year, and the rest of the year off the coast of Argentina and Chile.

Penguin and Joao on the beach

As the Daily Mail points out, Dindim travels approximately 5,000 miles (8,000 km) each year to visit his savior, who in turn has developed a special diet for the penguin that supports the stamina and strength of the bird during its long journeys.

In one of the interviews, 71-year-old Joao proudly spoke about his friendship with Dindi, who cannot be touched by anyone else. This is what he says about his companion: I love the penguin as if it were my own baby and I firmly believe that he loves me very much too .

No one else can be touched. Whoever tries it, runs the risk of a painful bite from the animal. He always lies next to me, lets me bathe him and feels like the sardines I have caught, ‘added Joao Pareira happily.

A surprising and touching story

The man mentions that all his friends were convinced that the penguin would never return to his savior after being released into the sea. He himself, however, deeply hoped that they might meet again someday.

In recent years, Dindim has always arrived in June and returned to his “home” in February. The biologist Paulo Krajewski, who interviewed Joao Pereira de Souza for Globo TV, was unable to contain the emotions that this beautiful story of friendship evoked in him.

I’ve never seen anything like it. I have the impression that the penguin thinks Joao is a member of his family, his species – he said. Every time this animal sees its savior, it starts to wiggle its tail like a happy dog, ‘added the biologist.

Another scientist, a penguin researcher, claims that Dindim behaves as if any other penguin would do in a similar situation – that is, he just acts instinctively.

Until the next return …

Every year Joao says goodbye to his extraordinary friend and every time he strongly believes that they will meet again in a few months.

Regardless of what scientists and researchers of the animal world think about it, this story shows us the power of friendship, perhaps not the traditional one to which we are used to, but inseparable for many years.

Friendship of man and animal

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