Persistent Constipation – 4 Remedies Based On Olive Oil

Did you know that olive oil helps to lubricate the stool to make it easier to pass and thus prevent constipation? In combination with other ingredients, we can further increase its action. 
Persistent constipation - 4 remedies based on olive oil

When it comes to gastrointestinal disorders, constipation is one of the most common. However, olive oil has wonderful healing properties that will help you fight even the most  stubborn constipation.

Persistent constipation occurs when your bowel movements are severely slowed down and your stools are so hard that it is very difficult to pass them out. Due to the accompanying symptoms of abdominal pain and flatulence, constipation can interfere with our daily activities.

Did you know that the properties of olive oil make it a natural and effective remedy that helps even with the most persistent constipation? Yes, there are indeed 4 ways to prepare olive oil as a natural remedy for these annoying ailments.

It’s a solution that has always been in the cupboard in your kitchen, but you haven’t noticed it yet.

Elimination problems often appear with the aging process, and are also associated with disorders of the stomach and colon. However, there are many reasons that can cause them. Below we explain the most frequent ones.

Intestinal pathologies

They are usually associated with a variety of disorders that obstruct the natural movement of the stools. These include intestinal obstruction, a narrow diameter of the colon, and colon cancer.

These pathologies are quite serious and can lead to many complications. Therefore, pay attention to any alarm symptoms! You need to take care of your stomach and digestive system, preferably by undergoing a constant check-up at the nearest specialist doctor.

Improper nutrition often causes persistent constipation

A diet low in water and fiber causes a thickening of the consistency of the faeces, which makes it difficult to excrete them. Eating processed foods high in saturated fat as well as simple carbohydrates works similarly.

Among the foods that worsen intestinal peristalsis are:

  • Sugar
  • Rice
  • Cookies

How olive oil helps with persistent constipation

On the other hand, olive oil is a natural product that is widely used in Western countries as one of the basic elements of a healthy diet.

However, it turns out that some Asian cultures use olive oil as a natural remedy to combat constipation.

Extra virgen olive oil.

Oil also helps to soften the stool, keeping the walls of the colon in good condition. It is also rich in omega 3, vitamin E, K and antioxidants. Accordingly, if you have intestinal problems, it is a good idea to use olive oil as a natural product.

There are 4 ways to prepare olive oil as a cure for persistent constipation. See what needs to be done and turn your body into a specimen of health and wellness. Take care of your stomach with olive oil!

1. Olive oil and lemon juice

This simple, cheap medicine guarantees quick results. Be sure not to add a lot of lemon to avoid acidity in your stomach.

Olive oil.


  • 1 teaspoon of lemon juice (5 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil (15 ml)


  • Mix both ingredients and then swallow.
  • By taking this mixture regularly every evening, we stimulate the lubrication of the colon and effectively treat persistent constipation.

2. Olive oil and yogurt

While this may seem like an unusual mix, it has many benefits. Yogurt is a natural source of good fermenting bacteria that help you digest your food faster.


  • 1 cup of yogurt (250 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil (15 ml)


  • Add a tablespoon of olive oil to a glass of yogurt and mix well.
  • Drink this formulation 3 times a day on an empty stomach and you will begin to notice your feeling of fullness diminish and the abdominal distension gradually subside.

3. Olive oil and banana

Who doesn’t know banana’s properties as a rich source of potassium? This combination will provide your gut with enough potassium to perform important functions.

Potassium supports the natural and slow worming movements of the intestine, preventing gas build-up and bloating. The persistent constipation that comes with them will soon stop bothering you.


  • 1 banana
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil (15 ml)


  • Peel the banana and slice it, then mash it and mix with the olive oil.
  • When you get a homogeneous paste, eat it. It tastes pretty good.

4. Olive oil and coffee

Yes, you read that right. Caffeine is a powerful stimulant for the muscles of the colon. It increases intestinal peristalsis while softening the stools.


  • 1 cup of hot coffee (250 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil (125 ml)


  • Combine ingredients and drink it every morning.
  • By introducing this drink as a daily habit, you will stimulate lubrication of the colon, thereby reducing digestive problems and eliminating persistent constipation.

However, it is very important to remember that all of these tips must be accompanied by a balanced diet rich in fiber:

  • This means reducing the consumption of saturated fat as well as refined foods. In addition, you should eat fruits such as oranges, mandarins or plums.
  • At the same time, vegetables such as asparagus, chard, spinach and lettuce should be introduced as they also help restore normal intestinal peristalsis.

And of course, don’t forget to consume olive oil and you will forget about constipation!

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