Pets – Do They Threaten The Health Of The Family?

Determining which pet has the best effect on the health of the entire family depends largely on the personal preferences of the person who is going to care for their pet on a daily basis.
Pets - are they a threat to the family's health?

Pets have a very positive effect on well-being and overall health. While having a four-legged companion comes with a huge responsibility, numerous scientific studies show that animal companionship benefits both physical and mental health.

However, it should be remembered that not all pets have the same effect on health. From a hygienic point of view, not all of them contribute to the well-being of family members.

Keeping some pets at home – especially reptiles and amphibians – is not recommended for people who are inexperienced in caring for these types of pets. We mean mainly iguanas and snakes.

In this article, we will analyze which pet animals are the best companions for humans and what impact their presence at home has on their health and well-being. Spending time outdoors with your pet helps to relieve stress, lower blood pressure, calm down, etc.

Dogs and cats – favorite pets

No wonder dogs and cats are our favorite pets – after all, most of us have just such a companion in our home. Both are easy to domesticate and care for. In addition, we can always count on the help of veterinarians present in each area in case of problems.

pets cat and dog

Of course, it cannot be said that cats and dogs are 100% harmless to humans – they are carriers of microorganisms that can negatively affect health and cause disease. However, well-groomed pets do not pose any danger.

It is worth noting that cats and dogs are domestic animals that differ significantly from each other in many respects. Find out about the basic differences that make us decide on one of them.

Cats – low risk of contracting toxoplasmosis

Toxoplasmosis is a parasitic disease that is transmitted by cats. It is caused by the Toxoplasma gondii protozoan infection , which can pose a threat especially to pregnant women. This is probably the only negative aspect of having a meowing furry in your home.

People who keep a cat at home should take special care of the immune system and regularly strengthen the body’s immunity, thus avoiding infection with this relatively rare disease.

It is worth noting that the body of many cat owners is resistant to toxoplasmosis and produces antibodies to combat this often asymptomatic disease. Although cats are faithful companions in our everyday life, statistics show that they are losing out in the battle for popularity with stripes.

The benefits of having a dog at home

Dogs are domestic animals that have a fantastic effect on emotional health. Constant contact with four-legged friends promotes the stimulation of dopamine and serotonin, i.e. hormones that naturally fight stress, improve mood and support heart health.

However, these are not all the benefits of owning a dog. Quadrupeds have their own requirements and need an appropriate dose of outdoor exercise every day.

man with his dog on the couch

These results are not without logic. People who have a dog are forced to walk for at least 20 minutes a day in the company of their four-legged friend. As you know, daily walks are good for your overall health.

What’s more, by increasing our daily physical activity, we are in a better mood, our heart works more efficiently, and the immune system effectively repels the attacks of all harmful microorganisms. Researchers have also shown a link between having a pet at home and a lower risk of developing depression.

Pets and allergies

While pets have many health benefits, more and more people are allergic to the hair of dogs and cats. Doctors and specialists recommend that parents give their children pets. A young organism that develops around four-legged friends will be less prone to any allergies.

Over time, the human immune system gets used to living under one roof with animals and frequent contact with their fur. In many cases, the bacteriological flora from the hair of dogs and cats actually strengthens immunity and helps prevent allergies naturally.

If you are allergic to animal hair, you can choose a quadruped with very short hair or one that is practically not lazy. For example, a Mexican naked dog, a Khala dog or a Chinese Crested Dog can be a great friend.

Another good choice is the Great Dane as this breed has a strong, short coat that is rarely allergenic.

How do you know which animal is beneficial for your health?

Determining which animal will benefit you and your family the most is undoubtedly a difficult task. The decision depends on several basic factors.

  • First, find out which animals and which breeds may be at risk of developing various diseases. Immediately exclude them from your plans.
  • Then see what benefits your whole family can benefit from selecting a dog or cat. Once you have made up your mind whether a dog or a cat, learn about the basic characteristics of each breed.
children and pets

In the past, turtles and hamsters were considered the best companions for children. Today, they are both considered carriers of germs and the source of various infections, including salmonella.

Dog – undoubtedly man’s best friend

Numerous surveys, studies and statistics show that it is the dog that is considered the best friend of man. In terms of hygiene, it is also ahead of other pets. In fact, living under the same roof with your dog does not pose any health risks. On the contrary – his company is a real balm for the human psyche.

If you want to enjoy your well-being and overall health, get yourself a dog. The benefits of having a four-legged friend are huge! If you prefer cats, opt for a baby tiger. It does not matter – the most important thing is that you feel comfortable in his company.

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