Plants That Clean The Air In Your Home

There are plants that require careful care from us, but have beneficial properties, so it is really worth trying to get them.
Plants that purify the air in your home

Plants have become an inseparable element of the decor of our homes. This is because they are beautiful and an excellent decoration, but not only that – they also help to purify the air.

While many of us prefer to have plants in our garden, some people also like to see them in our homes. They place them in different parts of the house to enjoy their view and beneficial properties.

You should know that some plant species should not be placed in confined spaces at home. Others, in turn, turn out to be very healthy for us by channeling energy.

Interestingly, there are plants that are very easy to plant and grow. With the right amount of attention, we can keep them in perfect condition. Are you interested in which plants will help you clean the air in your home? We will now give you a list of six of them. Be sure to read!

1. Plants for your home: areka (betel palm)

Areca palm trees

The areka palm, also known as betel palm, is a beautiful plant whose leaves have energy-enhancing properties in any room it finds itself in.

It is very easy to breed and maintain. It helps us by eliminating toxins that accumulate in the rooms. It helps to get rid of pollution caused by dust and airborne particles.

2. Bamboo palm

Although it may seem similar to the previous plant, it has different properties and perfectly cleans the air in your home. It has been proven that it can help us get rid of toxic substances such as benzene, trichlorethanol and other harmful compounds.

This plant is also credited with the properties that make the house harmony and peace – elements so necessary to live in a good atmosphere.

In addition, this plant is beautiful and gives the place the atmosphere of a tropical, exotic place. It fits everywhere.

3. A fern


Paprotka is a very popular plant in our homes. It is very easy to care for and grows fast almost like a weed. Its properties are simply irreplaceable.

It is commonly believed that fern is a plant that has survived since the dawn of time. Today it is commonly found in the homes of many people.

Its leaves are soft, light and perfectly clean the air of harmful substances such as toluene or xylene. These are compounds that are found in adhesives, nail polishes and other chemical substances that we use every day.

Although the care of a fern is not very complicated, it is important to remember that compared to other plants it is a bit more demanding.

4. Common ivy

Common ivy is one of the plants that can survive almost anywhere. For the benefit of us, ivy is perfect for enclosed spaces in our homes.

Among the many benefits of having it, one can mention, among others, that it grows very quickly, easily adapts to new conditions and perfectly balances feng shui at home.

However, it is not recommended to keep the fern in places with high temperature, because it tends to dry quickly.

5. Orchids

White orchids in a pot

While orchids have made a name for themselves because they are known to be complicated to care for, the truth is that they are not difficult to maintain. Yes, orchids are more delicate than other plants, so the key to maintaining them is to carefully measure the amount of water you water them.

Orchids at home perfectly remove polluted air and help you get rid of a component present in walls and furniture: xylene.

The most interesting detail is that the orchids inhale and exhale oxygen – also at night – which makes them perfect to be placed in the bedroom.

6. Golden epipremnum (potus)

This plant is very easy to care for and is not difficult to acquire. It does not require any special care. It perfectly decorates offices, public places, event rooms and commercial centers.

This plant perfectly adapts to various conditions and can withstand temperatures from 17 to 30 degrees Celsius. It is only important to remember that the golden epipremium needs the soil to be slightly moist.

Potus perfectly absorbs substances such as formaldehyde, xylene and benzene.

7. Wingleaf (wingleaf)


One of the reasons why many people choose to have a winged flower at home is because it is very hardy and does not dry out easily. Feels best in shaded places, in low temperatures.

The Peace Lily is an ornamental plant and does not require any special care. Perfectly removes toxic pollutants from the air, such as:

  • Acetone
  • Ethyl acetate
  • Ammonia
  • Benzene
  • Methyl alcohol
  • Xylene
  • Formaldehyde
  • Trichlorethylene

8. Sansevieria

It is a plant that is often found in our homes, decorating our interiors. One of its great advantages is the fact that it can survive almost any temperature.

If grown outdoors, it can withstand temperatures up to 40 degrees, while in cold climates it can withstand temperatures as low as -5 degrees.

Sansevieria is believed to be able to lower the levels of benzene, xylene and toluene in the air. Did you like the plants we presented to you? Look for them at local stores and enjoy their air-purifying properties in your home.

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