Problems With The Respiratory System? Try Three Great Recipes Based On Honey

Honey has many health-promoting properties. If you suffer from respiratory problems, this article will show you how honey can help you.
Respiratory problems?  Try three great honey-based recipes

Problems with the respiratory system are quite common. The main ailments are cough, flu, colds, angina as well as residual phlegm. If you suffer from these diseases often, we encourage you to try out the wonderful properties of honey. This natural remedy clearly improves the functioning of the respiratory system and, equally important, it can be safely used along with the medications prescribed by your doctor.

It is possible that a friend or relative has already recommended you a honey-based remedy to help with respiratory problems . Do not underestimate such advice, as it is scientifically proven that this product has many beneficial properties for human health.

Indeed, there are many studies that show that honey stands out especially for its antioxidant effects. This is one of its most important benefits. However, they are not limited to this area.

Honey is beneficial not only for problems with the respiratory system

  • Natural source of antioxidants: thanks to this property, honey helps keep cells healthy. This is because antioxidants slow down cell breakdown and prevent premature aging.
  • It improves the immune system’s response to infection or disease. If we have frequent respiratory problems, we can improve our immunity. We will achieve this if we begin to consume honey more often in our meals (in moderate amounts, of course).
  • Honey is also a great antiseptic. Honey has been found to have microbiological properties that can inhibit the multiplication of both fungi and bacteria.
  • It affects the regulation of glucose levels. Honey also helps to achieve a balance between glucose production and dietary intake of glucose. This positive effect will be of particular interest to people suffering from diabetes.
Natural honey

However, it is important to use organic honey without added sugars or preservatives. Only a high-quality product is actually healthy, which cannot be said about its commercial substitutes.

We will discuss the recipe for 3 homemade honey-based recipes later in this article. If we use them regularly, respiratory problems may disappear faster than we expect.

3 recipes with honey for respiratory problems

1. Water with honey

It is the first honey-based home remedy to help eliminate respiratory problems. It is very easy to prepare and at the same time allows you to use all the properties of this wonderful natural product.


  • 2 tablespoons of honey (20 g).
  • 3 glasses of water (300 ml).
  • The juice of 1 lemon (30 g).


  • First, pour the water into the pot and bring it to a boil.
  • When it reaches boiling point, reduce the heat and set aside for about 3 minutes.
  • Then, when the water has cooled slightly, add 2 tablespoons of honey.
  • Don’t forget to add a few slices of chopped lemon or freshly squeezed lemon juice.

2. Honey syrup with lemon naturally eliminates problems with the respiratory system

Another honey-based remedy for respiratory problems is something like lemon honey syrup. As you can see, lemon is an essential supplement to these natural recipes, because it greatly enhances the antibacterial effect of honey.


  • 2 teaspoons of honey (10 g)
  • 1/2 lemon juice (15 ml).


  • Put two tablespoons of honey in a bowl.
  • Then squeeze 1/2 lemon into it.
  • In the next step, place the container in the microwave for 20 or 30 seconds, but not longer.
  • Consume with a teaspoon while the remedy is still warm.

3. Cure with honey and garlic for respiratory problems

As in the previous cases, here we will also use honey as the main ingredient, but in this case we will also add garlic.

Honey and spatula for respiratory problems

Why should you add this new ingredient? Its antiseptic properties will help combat problems with the respiratory tract more effectively. 


  • 10 cloves of garlic
  • 3 and a half cups of honey (350 g).
  • The juice of 1 lemon (30 g).


  • Peel the garlic cloves, cut them into slices and place them in an empty, clean jar.
  • Then add 350 grams of honey and lemon juice.
  • Close the container and let it macerate for at least a week.
  • After this time, take one teaspoon a day on an empty stomach.

As you have seen, all these honey medicines are easy to prepare but very effective when it comes to respiratory problems. Do you already know any of these recipes? It’s really worth trying them out.

If you are coughing, struggling with a constant cold, have unrepentant phlegm, or feel a scratching sensation in the throat area, don’t wait for it to worsen. Try these 3 remedies. You will see how quickly they will bring you relief and help you recover.

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