Properties Of Ginger – Best Use

Ginger is highly recommended for treating any digestive ailments. Among other things, it stimulates the production of gastric juices, and in the case of consumption after meals – helps reduce flatulence and nausea.
Properties of ginger - the best use

In this article, you will learn about the most important properties of ginger and its best possible uses. The knowledge of these characteristics can be very useful, because it is not only a variety in the kitchen, but also brings a lot of benefits to our health. Let’s find out more about it.

This spice – ginger, is traditional for Asian and Eastern cuisines. However, more and more often we find it commonly on tables and in pots all over the world. We add it because we get to know each other’s properties.

Moreover, it is tempted by its interesting, exotic taste for the West. Ginger has a wide range of nutrients. It works in many ways in our body. Get to know the properties of ginger with us.

Properties of ginger – let’s get to know the most important of them

It was exported to Central Asia in the 5th century BC by the Persian King Darius, who received it from Indian plantations for sale in the Middle East.

The first data on the ginger trade is already available from Confucius, who tells how the Phoenicians brought it to the Mediterranean basin. Later, trade spread to the Mediterranean, the Red Sea and beyond.

Thus, wild cultivation of this plant can be found today, for example, on the Caribbean islands. Currently, the main exporter of the highest quality ginger is Jamaica.

Culinary uses of ginger

Ginger is a universal food product that enriches our dishes with other, interesting flavors.

Among the properties of ginger is its strong ability to enhance flavor. In Asian cuisine, it is used to hide stronger flavor qualities, such as seafood and some meats.

In Western cuisine, we generally limit ourselves to using it in a dry or powdered form, which gives the kitchen a certain exotic aroma, sometimes even spicy. But are we taking advantage of all the benefits of ginger?

Using the properties of ginger for therapeutic purposes

Traditionally, ginger is used for stomach ailments and digestive problems. It stimulates the pancreas, thus generating an increase in the production of enzymes that aid digestion.

Ginger powder

So we can use ginger to fight dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea and ulcers. These are not its only positive properties!

How to make the best use of them?

  • If we want to stimulate our gastric juices, we can use ginger as a soothing drink after a meal. This will reduce swelling and nausea. Another property of ginger is its anti-inflammatory nature, which is very useful in rheumatic and muscular problems.
  • We must also admit that this is one of the most recommended infusions for menstrual cramps. Ginger is also useful in the case of colds and inflammations. Warm and mixed with lemon and honey lowers fever and reduces other infections.

Properties of ginger and application

Ginger will also be useful in the treatment of joint diseases, for example in the form of an oil, it can be used during massage. Then it reduces joint pain.

As an infusion to prevent pain, for example from menstruation, you only need to heat four or five slices of fresh ginger root (we don’t need to peel it), a small teaspoon of lemon juice and honey.

Properties of ginger - infusion
  • First boil the water and then add the ginger slices.
  • Let everything cook for 10-15 minutes, until it is a brown, golden color.
  • Before serving, add lemon juice and honey.

What’s more, it will be useful if our work or studies require a large dose of concentration.

If you have problems with concentration – regularly used ginger improves the blood supply to the brain, thus supporting its work. For study or strenuous work, choose ginger infusion or tea with this spice.


Regular use of ginger can have a positive effect on the functioning of the body.

The properties of ginger are also anti-inflammatory, anti-swelling, disinfecting and refreshing effects. It improves blood circulation, warms you up, increases concentration, and relieves joint pain. Also, remember that fresh ginger should be kept in a cool place, preferably in the refrigerator.

As you can see, the properties of ginger are very diverse and allow it to be used for many purposes, both medicinal and gastronomic. Enjoy your health!

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