Protect Your Mouth From The Sun – It’s Your Duty

Protecting the skin of your lips from the sun is very important to avoid burns and possible problems afterwards. Proper care after sun exposure is also important.
Protecting your lips from the sun is your duty

The outer skin of your lips is thin, so in their natural state they are not adequately protected against UV rays. There is almost no melanin in this part of the face, the skin’s natural pigment that could help protect the lips from the sun. As a result, they are difficult to tan, but easy to burn.

Did you know that even licking your lips can be more harmful than beneficial because saliva acts like a lens that increases sunlight? And because the lips are on the face, they are almost never covered. Therefore, you need to protect your lips as they are constantly exposed to sun damage.

Sun damage to the skin of the lips

Long-term damage can occur when the skin of your lips is burned by the sun. For example, collagen can change permanently. It is a protein that gives shape and elasticity to the lips and also prevents the formation of wrinkles.

If you don’t care to protect your lips and expose them to too long and too intense sun, collagen is destroyed. So it is likely that wrinkles will begin to form on the lips as well as fine lines around the mouth. The damage is likely to occur even when they do not show physical signs of exposure to the sun.

Wrinkles and premature aging aren’t the only evil that sun causes. Prolonged exposure without protection can cause the development of keratosis of the lips, a precancerous condition known as “farmer’s lips” or “sailor’s lips”.

Sun exposure is also one of the most common causes of cold sores. Therefore, for people who experience these changes, the way to avoid them is to protect the lips. This condition requires special care, so such people must absolutely protect their lips from the sun.


How to protect your lips from the sun

For lip care, dermatologists recommend using sunscreen products. It is important to protect your lips at least half an hour before going out into the sun.

As with sunscreen, lipstick should also be applied frequently during exposure. So let’s see how best to protect your lips:

1. Use waterproof products

If you are at the pool or beach, make sure the sunscreen you use on your lips is waterproof. It is important to provide protection even when bathing, often for 80 minutes or more.

It is the lip protection that is removed from the skin the fastest. For this reason, it should be applied as many times as necessary when at the beach or in the pool.

2. Use protection without PABA

You may be better off looking for a sunscreen that does not contain PABA. Some people may develop an allergy when using a product that contains it.

Photoallergy to this ingredient can make the skin burn more easily where PABA or p- aminobenzoic acid has been used. A rash may also occur as a result of this reaction.

3. Check the sun protection factor you are applying to your lips

As with body sunscreen, lipsticks also contain a specific sun protection factor (SPF). To protect your lips from the sun, choose a lip balm that has an SPF of 15 or higher.

Protective lipstick.

Try to keep the product soft and long-lasting moisturizing. Remember that dryness increases the burning sensation and discomfort around the lips.

4. Do not use lip gloss as a substitute for protective lipstick

Surely you’ve thought about using a lip gloss instead of a protective balm because it’s the first thing you have on hand. If so, you should know that this is not a way to protect your lips, but to damage them.

Lipsticks that are shiny or have a high gloss with little or no color are harmful to the skin of the lips as they can focus ultraviolet (UV) rays on this area. Also, lipsticks without sunscreen can increase the likelihood of developing skin cancer.

5. Exfoliate lips

Before or after sun exposure, if your lips are dry and starting to peel, exfoliate your lips. Use a little sugar and olive oil for this. This will eliminate any accumulated dead cells.

Of course, you have to take into account that since this is such a sensitive area, you shouldn’t exfoliate the skin of your lips by force, so as not to damage it. It is also recommended that you do not perform this treatment immediately after exposure to the sun as your lips will be more sensitive than normal.

Natural peeling.

6. Use anti-drying products

Look for a lip product made  with beeswax, petroleum jelly, or paraffin. These products are very gentle on your lips and will make them look better.

In addition, they will seal your lips and protect them better because they will stay on the skin longer. Thanks to this, you will be able to enjoy a summer trip or walk without having to worry about constantly applying the balm to your lips.

Make the most of your walks outdoors, without forgetting that you need to protect your lips from the sun. They also suffer from the aggressiveness of the UV rays. Make sunscreen lotions an essential part of your everyday makeup.

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