Pumpkin Seeds – 8 Health Benefits

Pumpkin seeds contain a large amount of saturated omega-3 fats, which strengthen the immune system and help prevent arthritis. However, the seeds have even more health benefits!
Pumpkin seeds - 8 health benefits

Do you throw away  pumpkin seeds  when you cook with this delicious and healthy vegetable? If so, think twice next time before getting rid of them!

Although pumpkin seeds have a specific taste and not everyone likes them, it is worth consuming them regularly due to their many healing properties. Read our article to find out the health benefits of eating them.

1. Pumpkin seeds for arthritis

Remember that the older they are, the stronger their healing properties are.

2. They protect the prostate

visiting a doctor for prostate

Eating the seeds helps to protect the prostate gland. Thanks to the oils contained in pumpkin seeds, you can prevent prostatitis and reduce the symptoms of this disease.

Drinking pumpkin seed oil is especially recommended for patients suffering from prostatitis, as it contains a large amount of zinc,  which has an extremely beneficial effect on the health of the prostate.

3. Regulate sleep

Pumpkin seeds are a rich source of tryptophan, which the body converts into melatonin, the famous sleep hormone.

If you have trouble falling asleep, eat a few pumpkin seeds and a small piece of fruit before going to bed. You will find that you will fall asleep much easier.

4. They are a rich source of Omega 3 fatty acids

pumpkin seeds contain omega 3

Pumpkin seeds are one of the best plant sources of omega 3, a fatty acid that plays an extremely important role in the body.

If you want to increase the amount of omega-3 in your meals, add pumpkin seeds to them, but remember not to exceed the recommended maximum dose of 20 grams a day.

5. They strengthen the immune system

Due to their high zinc content, pumpkin seeds are considered to be one of the healthiest seeds you can use in your diet. Zinc deficiency is becoming more common as levels of zinc in farmed crops are getting lower.

This is because the land that has been tilled over and over again becomes less fertile and lacks certain minerals, including zinc.

Too low levels of zinc in the body are detrimental to the immune system, it slows down cell growth and regeneration, and is also one of the causes of hair loss.

6. Pumpkin seeds for postmenopausal women

pumpkin seeds for menopause

Pumpkin seed oil contains natural phytoestrogen that helps to relieve symptoms such as:

  • low blood pressure
  • hot flashes
  • headaches
  • arthralgia

Women who want to reduce these symptoms are advised to consume pumpkin seeds on a regular basis. A small dose of seeds a day is enough to notice positive effects after a few days.

7. They prevent diabetes

Like other pumpkin seeds, pumpkin seeds contain complex carbohydrates. This means that they keep blood glucose levels stable and help you stay full for longer.

In addition, thanks to their properties, pumpkin seeds help fight the negative effects of stress.

Doctors usually recommend that you eat a small portion of pumpkin seeds and a few almonds in the evening, preferably before going to bed.

8. They stimulate the circulatory system

pumpkin seeds stimulate the circulatory system

One of the most unique ingredients in pumpkin seeds are phytosterols. They help to prevent blood clots and therefore lower the likelihood of a heart attack.

Moreover, the high content of copper increases the number of red blood cells and improves the transport of oxygen in the blood vessels.

How To Consume Pumpkin Seeds?

It is best to eat them raw so that they do not lose some of their properties when heat treated. You can munch on freshly baked seeds or add them to sauces.

If you want to make a delicious seed snack, use the following recipe:

  • Put a glass of well-cleaned pumpkin seeds in a small pot and cover with water.
  • Boil the water with the seeds until it comes to a boil, then keep the seeds in the boiling water for two minutes.
  • Drain the seeds, put them in an ovenproof dish, and then pour over them with the sweet and sour teriyaki sauce.


Pumpkin seeds prepared in this way will absorb the sweet and sour sauce and taste delicious. You can serve them with a little ham, melon or olives.

This snack is not only easy to prepare, but also healthy and gentle on the stomach. Additionally, it supports digestive processes.

The only thing you need to be careful about is the high fat content of the seeds. If you are on a diet, eat appropriately small portions.

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