Remove Corns With Aspirin!

Although it is hard to believe, aspirin can be effective against corns and athlete’s foot. Its natural properties also reduce inflammation.
Remove corns with aspirin!

We often do not realize how important a role our feet play and we forget that in order for them to remain healthy and beautiful, they require special care. Without a doubt, daily abrasions and corns adversely affect their condition.

If we reflect for a moment on the work that the feet do during the day, we will realize that they have to bear the weight of the entire body and the pressure with each step. No wonder then that corns and other imperfections often appear on the feet .

These types of problems are not only unsightly, but can also cause pain and inflammation. That is why it is so important to learn to properly care for your feet. The home remedies described below will help your feet regain their natural beauty and health.

Below, we suggest a simple home-made method of using aspirin – thanks to it, corns and dead skin will be a thing of the past!

Aspirin – a method for corns

Aspirin helps heal corns

It is one of the most commonly prescribed painkillers. It has also been proven to have anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties.

However, its potential for use goes far beyond pain relief and lowering the risk of heart damage. Aspirin is also used in cosmetics. For example, it is used in the fight against acne, discoloration and other impurities on the face.

Aspirin has also been shown to  be effective in treating athlete’s foot and corns that form from constant pressure. It contains an acid-soluble ingredient called beta-hydroxy acid, which is used by many companies in the production of exfoliating cosmetics.

What’s more, this natural medicine reduces inflammation, improves circulation and relieves pain in this area of ​​the body. As many people do not yet know how amazing this natural remedy has an amazing effect on their feet, we want to show you how to take advantage of its great benefits.

How To Remove Corns With Aspirin?

Aspirin tablets

This method is cheap, effective and gentle on the skin!


  • 4 aspirin tablets
  • Lemon
  • 1 tablespoon of water
  • Pumice
  • Cotton socks

A method of preparing

  • Crush four aspirin tablets in a mortar. If you don’t have a mortar, you can use a fork or some heavy object.
  • Transfer the mashed aspirin to a clean glass and set it aside.
  • Cut the lemon in half and squeeze the juice out of it.
  • Mix the lemon juice with the mashed aspirin and add a little water to form a thick paste.

Usage method

  • Clean your feet and apply a paste to the corns.
  • Put on socks or wrap your feet with a towel.
  • Wait 20-30 minutes, then wash off the paste with warm water.
  • Rub the pumice stone gently over the areas of calluses to remove them.
  • Dry your feet and repeat the treatment twice a week.
  • Your feet will immediately become smoother and healthier.

Additional tips

Feet and cream
  • For even better results and to prevent complications, avoid wearing high heels and other tight shoes. It is not a footwear for the health of the feet.
  • Buy petroleum jelly and use it to moisturize your feet. This product will help trap moisture inside the skin and prevent blisters from forming.
  • Always clean and disinfect your shoes properly to prevent infections, not just fungal infections.
  • If the pain and inflammation caused by corns does not improve within two weeks, see your doctor who will diagnose the problem and recommend appropriate treatment.

Try this simple method along with the other tips outlined above to keep your feet healthy and looking great.

You will be surprised how this little effort put into caring for the feet will result in their well-being. Don’t wait!

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