Rice Pudding – Way To Unnecessary Kilograms

This delicious dessert is a great ally when losing weight. It is enough to use low-calorie sweeteners and take care of a balanced diet and the right dose of physical activity.
Rice pudding - a way to unnecessary kilograms

This is one of our favorite desserts. Rice pudding is not only delicious, it also contains a lot of vitamins, proteins and calcium. You can eat it both cold and hot. Perfect especially for athletes.

Recent studies have shown that  rice pudding supports the weight loss process. It’s too good to be true! In today’s article you will learn about all the amazing properties of this delicacy.

Rice pudding for athletes

Let’s focus on the nutritional properties of rice pudding. It has been confirmed that it has a great effect, especially on athletes. When eaten after training, it accelerates muscle regeneration.

Let’s discuss each of the three components individually:



If you suffer from lactose intolerance, you may try almond or coconut milk. If you prefer cow’s milk, make sure it is properly skimmed. Only then will it have a slimming effect.

Almond milk

Almond milk is extremely rich in proteins that are necessary for almost any activity. A large dose of amino acids promotes regenerative processes in the body.


It is this spice that makes rice pudding have this unique flavor. It is also an additional dose of nutrients that every athlete needs. Cinnamon is anti-inflammatory, lowers blood pressure, fights flu symptoms and reduces cholesterol levels.

It is great for diabetics, is a source of antioxidants and speeds up the metabolism.

Rice pudding and slimming

This delicious and filling dessert will help us lose unnecessary kilograms. It should be eaten after exercise or every morning as a nutritious breakfast. If you are not in the habit of overeating in the morning, but want to replace your coffee or tea with something warm, rice pudding is just for you.

Milk drink with rice

It is especially recommended for those who work hard during the day, because it adds much more energy than vegetables and fruits. Once prepared, you can keep it in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.


  • 1 liter of milk (optional)
  • A glass of white or brown rice (200 g)
  • 1 stick of cinnamon
  • One lemon peel (optional)
  • Sweetener to taste (optional)


  • Pour the milk into a pot and put a cinnamon stick and grated lemon zest in it.
  • We bring to a boil.
  • Pour in the rice and reduce the fire by half.
  • Using a wooden spoon, stir occasionally to prevent the rice from sticking to the bottom.
  • After about 20 minutes, you will notice a slightly creamy consistency.
  • We take out a cinnamon stick. We serve in cups or in salad bowls.
  • Sprinkle with powdered cinnamon. Enjoy your meal!
Rice and milk

A diet that includes rice with milk as a daily meal helps us lose two kilos in a week. Of course, you shouldn’t skip other dishes. You must not forget about physical activity and drinking two liters of water a day. A sample menu should look like this:

  • Breakfast: 1 portion of rice with milk and a cup of tea
  • Lunch: 1 peach and 1 apple.
  • Lunch: 50 g of chicken or fish and tomato and carrot salad. Another portion of rice pudding for dessert.
  • Afternoon tea: 1 grapefruit and 1 kiwi
  • Dinner: Rice pudding without restrictions.
  • Before going to bed: A cup of tea

What about rice milk?

Rice pudding is not liked by everyone, and many people are looking for a different way to use its properties. You can get rice milk, which is not only very nutritious but also extremely refreshing.

And that’s not all: it contains far more calcium than any dairy product. It is an excellent option for vegans, menopausal women and during pregnancy.

Milk and rice

Rice milk helps burn calories as it is  virtually fat and lactose free. As a result, it lowers cholesterol and prevents digestive system diseases.

It also has cleansing properties. It is a source of large amounts of vitamin D, which accelerates the digestion of fats, and thus has a slimming effect. It also provides vitamins A, B12, and E, and minerals such as iron, magnesium and selenium.

Rice milk is easy to digest, so it is recommended for people suffering from indigestion and heartburn. Oligoelements strengthen and stimulate the immune system, which helps to prevent diseases caused by bacteria and viruses.

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