Sleeping A Baby With Mum – Is It A Good Idea?

Your baby and mum sleeping together can have many benefits for your baby. However, there are many different opinions when it comes to sleeping together older children with their mothers. Today we will take a closer look at this issue.
Sleeping a baby with mom - is it a good idea?

The birth of a child causes as many constant doubts and questions as there are minutes each day. Every moment is a decision, and new parents are constantly faced with conflicting opinions about everything they do. For example, how to treat sleeping with mom .

However, the results of many scientific studies may shed light on such situations. For example, today we’ll take a look at what research says about babies who sleep with their mothers.

In this article, we’ll look at different perspectives on this topic. When reading them, you should always remember that the sleeping of a child with a mother is based on many different variables. For example, these will be the age of the child, numerous cultural issues and socioeconomic factors, just to name a few of the most important.

Please take a moment to read our today’s article so you can learn more about it!

Is sleeping with mom a good idea?

Your baby and mum sleeping together can have many benefits for your baby. However, there are many different opinions when it comes to sleeping together older children with their mothers. Today we will take a closer look at this issue.

First, let’s talk about the children themselves

In the case of infants, the joint sleeping of the child with the mother promotes, among other things, breastfeeding at night. The results of several studies conducted on this topic largely coincide with the best positions for babies to sleep.

Parents need to be aware of these items in order to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). However, when it comes to where children should sleep, opinions start to diverge from time to time.

Family in bed

In some cases, experts point out the risk of children and mothers sleeping together in the same bed. For example, if one of the parents is a heavy smoker, it may harm the baby.

Additionally, there is a risk of suffocation. To reduce this risk, children are allowed to sleep in the same room as their parents, but not in the same bed.

What we can point out is the enormous advantage of having a baby sleeping with mum when it comes to breastfeeding. This means that when babies sleep with her, it promotes comfortable and stress-free breastfeeding for the baby.


Most studies on sleeping together with your mother focus especially on the first months or years of life. In later stages, sleep habits appear to have a lot to do with cultural and socioeconomic factors.

According to the same data, there is no significant relationship between cognitive abilities and sleeping together with the mother or parents in general. In the same way, there is no evidence that the sleeping of the child with the mother influences the child’s subsequent behavior in any significant way.

Breastfeeding and baby sleeping with mom

However, it should be noted that the reference limit for the age of a child in these studies is 5 years of age.

Taking these factors into account, scientists confirm that sleeping a child with a mother has one major advantage, due to the limited space for the child … However, when mothers can sleep freely with their children, that’s another matter entirely.

This difference causes discrepancies in the results obtained, which may be influenced by another case of only temporary sleeping together due to sleep problems in the child.

So should babies sleep with their moms or not?

There are many conflicting opinions about whether a baby and mum sleeping together is beneficial or rather harmful.

Possible positive aspects of such a solution

  • Sleeping together can foster a positive bond between mother and baby.
  • Families spend more time together than normal during the day.
  • Sleeping your baby and mom together can help regulate your toddler’s breathing.
  • In some cases, sleeping together can help resolve your baby’s sleep problems.
  • It can also help your child develop self-esteem and the ability to tolerate stress.

Possible negative aspects of such a solution

  • Sleeping together can actually contribute to sleep problems. This is especially true when one of the parents suffers from insomnia or interrupted sleep during the night. Not to mention snoring.
  • It can adversely affect the child’s autonomy and his ability to interact.
  • In some cases, it increases parents’ anxiety and stress.

In any case, research suggests that children should not sleep with their parents from around the age of 5 or 6. However, it also depends on each mother and child, and on each specific situation.

With this in mind, the process of transferring your baby to your own crib should be gradual. For example, parents might start by changing the number of days or by setting up a crib for their child next to their own bed.

Tips for helping babies sleep better

First of all, experts warn against watching TV at night, just before going to bed. This habit reduces the number of hours children rest while sleeping. However, they should also take part in other activities such as reading a book or talking to family members.

Baby while sleeping

Massage is another way to help overly excited or anxious children calm down before going to bed. Second, it is also important for children to eat balanced and complete meals for dinner.

We should avoid giving foods that can alter or stimulate our children, making it difficult for them to rest. For example, at lunchtime and in the evening, products containing sugar and chocolate, as well as their derivatives, should be omitted.

Summary of our today’s considerations

There are as many child-rearing habits as there are different children and families.

In this article, we can see again that it is once again difficult to talk about approaches to raising children in general. Every decision parents make has both benefits and risks.

It is also difficult to classify each family and each person in terms of education, affection, patience, etc. Moreover, each child has its own challenges which parents learn to overcome through their own parenting experience.

So what do you think about all this? Is sleeping a baby with mum a good solution? The jury has yet to deliver its verdict. Moreover, the number of opinions on this subject is almost infinite.

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