Slender Arms Without Gym Membership

If you are not yet in good physical shape, you can start with a few repetitions and a lower load, then increase the difficulty of the training
Slender arms without a gym membership

Every traditional gym has many machines and devices that can be helpful if your goal is to strengthen your body. Slender arms, firmer thighs and the outline of the abdominal muscles – these features are dreamed of by many people.

Unfortunately – on a day full of work, household chores and meetings – not everyone has time to go to the gym. However, it is wise to do a few exercises from time to time that will get you results without having to purchase a membership card.

Today we offer exercises for slender shoulders . They can be made in short series and even with limited space.

We’ll share five of the best exercises you can use to shape and strengthen your arms without leaving your home.

Start exercising today!

1.The best exercise for slender shoulders – push-ups

This exercise will work on the chest and triceps. In addition, the stomach and back work perfectly with it.

push-ups for slender shoulders

How to do them?

  • If you’re just starting out and don’t have enough strength yet, use your knees instead of your feet.
  • Place your palms on the floor a little wider than shoulder width apart. Then slowly push yourself up and down without collapsing in your back and pushing your stomach out.
  • Do 10 to 12 repetitions and three sets.
  • As soon as you gain some strength, you can start in the classic position on your toes.

2. Straightening the arms in the support (Tricep Dips)

This exercise is perfect if you want to improve the outline of the back of your arms. This is where you usually notice symptoms of sagging skin and a build-up of fatty tissue (known as pelicans).

This exercise will greatly strengthen your back and increase your strength.

How to do them?

  • Stand with your back to a stable chair or table and place your hands on it.
  • Gently spread the dogs apart and bend your knees and elbows
  • From this position, bend your arms to a 90-degree angle and lower your hips without touching the ground.
  • Return to the starting position by straightening your arms. Do 12 repetitions over three sets.

3. Standing bench press

If you want to exercise your arm muscles, you need to engage more muscles than just your biceps. Strengthening your entire arms is the best way to make your slender arms even more plump. 

Shoulders - pushing out weights

The standing press is an exercise that will strengthen your upper body. It also helps to relieve tension in the neck and train good posture.

How to do them?

  • Stand with your knees slightly bent and your back straight.
  • Hold dumbbells or water bottles in each hand at ear level.
  • From this position, push your arms up and straighten them above your head.
  • Return to the starting position and do 12 to 15 repetitions over three sets

4. Pressing in a lying position

This exercise will strengthen your back and shoulders at the same time. Perfect for working out muscles, firming the body and reducing sagging skin.

How to do them?

  • Lie down on a yoga mat / towel on your back with your knees bent.
  • Hold dumbbells or water bottles in each hand and raise both arms until they are stretched out in front of your face.
  • Bend your elbows and lower the weights until they are level with your ears.
  • Straighten your arms again and do three sets of 12 repetitions.

5. Shoulder flexes – biceps

This classic exercise focuses on strengthening your biceps, helping to tone your arms. It is important to keep your elbows against your body while you exercise. Don’t let them break away!

Slender arms - biceps

How to do them?

  • Stand with your knees slightly bent and your back straight.
  • Hold dumbbells or water bottles in each hand and bend your elbows as you move your wrists towards your shoulders.
  • Lower your arms slowly until they return to the starting position.
  • Raise your forearms again and do 12 to 15 repetitions over three sets.


Have we now encouraged ourselves to practice at home? As you can see, there are some simple exercises for slender shoulders that don’t require any special machines or a personal trainer.

Try these simple movements every day and you’ll find that you don’t need to go to the gym to improve the look of your arms.

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