Smoking Cigarettes – What Happens When You Quit Them

Are you trying to quit smoking? Find out what happens to your body when you quit tobacco and you’ll be even more motivated
Smoking cigarettes - what happens when you quit them

Smoking is one of the most harmful habits, which is why many people try to fight this addiction. Some smokers find it difficult to find the motivation to quit because they do not realize how beneficial this decision will have to their health.

Changing smoking habits is extremely difficult as it is associated with both physical and mental addiction.

Merely promoting information about the harmfulness of smoking is sometimes not enough to convince someone to take up the challenge and give up smoking.

Quit smoking and regain your former health step by step

Regardless of whether you smoke yourself or someone close to you, it is worth reading the information below. They can effectively motivate you or someone you care about to quit smoking.

That is why we want to present the benefits of quitting smoking today. The list of benefits is much longer, but we will focus on the most important changes in your body when you quit smoking.

Twelve hours after smoking the last cigarette


You will notice the first benefits of quitting tobacco as early as 12 hours after smoking the last cigarette. Thanks to this, you will be motivated to continue the fight.

  • After 12 hours, the body begins to cleanse itself of the toxins that entered the body along with tobacco smoke.
  • The oxygen level throughout the body increases and the carbon dioxide level decreases at the same time.

Two days without smoking

Two days after quitting, your senses begin to function normally again. First of all, you will notice that your sense of smell and taste will sharpen.

Smoking significantly weakens the nerve endings that are responsible for perceiving the world through the senses. Just 48 hours after you quit smoking everything will start to taste and smell better.

One month after smoking the last cigarette

One month after quitting, you will forget about your shortness of breath and your breathing will be full and deep again.

breathing and smoking
  • After 30 days of quitting, your lungs will be in much better condition as they begin to regenerate.
  • Your cough will almost completely disappear and your condition will improve significantly.

Nine months without a cigarette

Your lungs continue to regenerate and you will notice an improvement in their condition. The bronchi and cilia in your respiratory system continue to clear, and improving their condition affects the depth of your breathing.

  • After this time, your cardiovascular system also works much better.
  • Better oxygenated blood flows more efficiently through the blood vessels and supplies oxygen to all organs in the body.

Five years after quitting smoking

The circulatory system probably suffers most from exposure to the toxins in tobacco, so it takes longer for it to recover fully than for the rest of the body’s systems.

  • Five years after quitting, your bloodstream is almost completely free from the effects of exposure to tobacco.
  • The veins and arteries return to their normal size and the likelihood of heart disease is significantly reduced.

10 years without a cigarette

After all this time, you will be back in a state where the smell of cigarette smoke becomes disgusting again. Your body will continue to regenerate.

Smoking is extremely detrimental to your health and even after 10 years your body will continue to work to regain its former state.

  • After 10 years without a cigarette, the chances of developing lung cancer are almost zero.
  • The likelihood of developing cancer of the kidney or mouth is also reduced.

20 years after quitting smoking

Depending on what age you are, 20 years may seem like a long or a short period. For most people, however, two decades is a long time.

When you get to this point and can say that you quit smoking 20 years ago, your body will be as if you had never smoked at all.

health woman and quitting smoking

You have almost no chance of developing a smoking-related illness, and the likelihood of any other illness is the same as a person who has never smoked.

So what are you waiting for? Quit smoking as soon as possible and watch your health change. Remember that you only need to wait a few hours for the beneficial effects. Someday you will thank yourself for this decision!

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