Smooth Neck: 5 Noteworthy Tips

Let’s not forget that the skin of the neck is as delicate as the skin of the face, so it should be treated in the same way. It is worth exfoliating and moisturizing it regularly to enjoy its firmness and smoothness for many years.
A smooth neck: 5 worthwhile tips

A smooth neck is one of the most attractive aspects of a woman’s body, though often neglected.

If you give your skin the proper care in this area, you will undoubtedly enjoy a smooth neck for a long time, and feel free to show it and reveal it without feeling ashamed.

In this article, you’ll learn a few tips to help you restore your neck’s youthful and elegant appearance. You will also receive a few simple tips on cosmetic treatments based on natural ingredients that can be performed every day.

It is best to use the same products that are used for face care on the skin of the neck.

Smooth neck – start by exfoliating your skin regularly

If your dream is a smooth neck, you need to keep your neck skin smooth and supple, i.e. exfoliate it regularly.

We suggest peeling once a week. If you do it more often, it is most likely irritation, especially if you have sensitive or dry skin.

To remove dead skin cells, you can use one of the following natural products or any combination of them:

  • baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)
  • sugar
  • sea ​​salt

Blend selected skin exfoliating ingredients with a bit of almond oil or aloe vera to massage your neck more easily. Run it gently, without pressing hard, making circular movements from the chest to the chin.

Then wash your skin with water to close the pores and moisturize. This simple procedure is one of the basic ways of the entire procedure, which results in a smooth neck.

smooth skin thanks to sea salt

Perform a deep skin cleansing

How can the skin of the neck be deeply cleansed? Use a clay mask for this. If you have oily or combination skin, you can apply the mask to both your face and neck.

We recommend using green or pink clay and making a mask from it. You just need to mix powdered clay with water. As a result, you will get a plastic mass that you can spread on the skin.

Use a ceramic, glass or wooden bowl to mix the clay. Never mix in a metal vessel as it effectively removes the therapeutic properties of the clay.

Apply the mask to the skin of the face and neck, avoiding the eyes and mouth, and let it dry for about 15 minutes. Wash off the clay with warm water, then use a skin moisturizer.

Don’t forget to moisturize your skin every day

How to moisturize the skin of the neck? Using the same cream or lotion you use for your face. The neck is as sensitive as the skin of the face. It also shows signs of the passing of time, so without proper care it becomes flaccid and wrinkled.

We recommend the following products with very beneficial properties for the skin:

  • almond oil
  • attar
  • coconut oil
  • Shea butter
  • jojoba oil
  • grape seed oil
  • evening primrose oil
  • olive oil
  • wheat germ oil

Each of these natural moisturizers can thoroughly moisturize your neck. It is worth using them twice a day – right after waking up in the morning and before going to bed.

a smooth neck means better mood

A smooth neck requires regular skin massage

Unfortunately, the neck suffers from tension from everyday problems and stress,  poor posture, hours in front of the computer, and constant frowning, etc.

To avoid the negative consequences of the situations described above, we advise you to use the moisturizer regularly by massaging it gently into the skin of the neck for at least 5 or 10 minutes a day.

Massage the back of the neck with your whole hand, also applying pressure to the area under the chin, where the jawline begins. This will help you stimulate blood circulation and eliminate toxins in the skin.

Spread your fingers wide apart and run your entire hand over the skin, pressing lightly on its surface.

Stay relaxed while sleeping

Also, bruxism, or jaw muscle tension, has a significant impact on the deterioration of the condition and appearance of the neck.

To remedy this deterioration, you should regularly exercise your jaw muscles to release any tension that has accumulated in them. The exercises we suggest can also be very useful in reducing and eliminating saggy cheek skin.

sleeping baby with mouth slightly open

It should also be remembered that you may grit your teeth very often and completely unconsciously at night. This is a common phenomenon. For this reason, it is worth spending a few minutes before going to bed to relax the muscles of this part of the body.

Try to sleep with your jaw muscles completely relaxed and relaxed and your mouth slightly open, just like babies do when they sleep.

The photos come from the collections of Chiot’s Run , osmachosant and Torbein Rønning .

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