Ten Tips On How To Sleep Well And Wake Up Refreshed

Staying outdoors or drinking something warm before going to bed can help you get a good night’s sleep. 
Get a good night's sleep and be refreshed - 11 tips

A good night’s sleep will not only give us a good rest, but also keep us active the next day. Follow these tips and you’ll wake up fresh and do much more throughout the day.

1. Get enough sleep

Although every body is able to regulate the amount of time it takes for it to recover, it is recognized that an adult should sleep 7 to 8 hours continuously.

If you notice that you are sleeping less and less, your sleep deficit is bound to accumulate and you will see the negative effects quickly. Your work efficiency will decrease and you will be sleepy all day long.

2. Coffee is not the solution

When you do not sleep well, do you often feel the need to reach for an extra cup of coffee? You should take control of yourself. An extra cup of coffee is not the best solution.

You must remember that caffeine does not allow adenosine to be absorbed. This means that it will not let you calm down and, as a result, will lead to more sleep problems.

3. Breathe fresh air

Going for a walk before going to bed can be a great way to get a good night’s sleep. A half-hour walk is enough and you will surely see the result quickly.

Woman resting under the tree in the meadow good sleep fresh air

4. Drink a warm drink

After a walk in the fresh air, it is best to drink something warm, a drink that will be appropriate before bedtime. Herbal teas or milk with honey are recommended in this case.

5. Use pillows for sleep

Use pillows to sleep, even if you think it is not important, it will have a positive effect on your rest. If you sleep on your back, place one pillow under your knees and the other over your waist.

If you sleep on the side, it’s best to place a pillow between your legs. If you prefer to sleep on your stomach, place it under your belly. This way you will achieve the correct position and reduce the load on the spine.

6. Do not let your pet go to bed

Although it is sometimes tempting to have your beloved pet close to you, the statistics do not lie, it turns out that as many as 64% of people who sleep with their pet complain about sleep.

Dog in bed

7. Garlic under the pillow for a good night’s sleep

While it doesn’t seem to have much to do with falling asleep, the best thing you can do for a good night’s sleep is put garlic under your pillow. This method has been used since antiquity.

Reason? The sulfur secreted by garlic is responsible for calming down and improving the quality of sleep.

8. Turn off mobile devices

Mobile devices do not allow us to sleep well, and they certainly hinder proper sleep. The light they emit is more dangerous than you think.

Leave your mobile devices outside of the bedroom. Your brain should know that you are in a sleeping place.

9. Keep lavender close to you

Lavender has soothing properties. This is something that has been proven a long time ago. It is recommended to place lavender sprigs next to the bed or to use candles and oils of this plant. Thanks to them, you will be able to fight insomnia and achieve a good sleep.

dory dream lavender

10. Check the temperature in the bedroom

The temperature we have in the bedroom will be crucial to achieving proper sleep. Hence, this is an aspect to consider. The correct temperature should be between 16 and 20 ° C.

The stuffiness and heat will make you sleep restlessly and wake up in the middle of the night.

11. Take the recommended daily amount of magnesium

Our body needs a certain daily amount of magnesium, which it uses, among others. to sleep at night. Therefore, do not forget to include foods with a higher magnesium content in your diet or supplement the deficiencies with supplements.

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