The Best Essential Oils For Anxiety

The best essential oils for anxiety

Are you suffering from anxiety? Then be sure to try anxiety- relieving essential oils to help you manage it.

You may have wondered how you can control your anxiety without resorting to medications that can cause side effects such as fatigue, lethargy and apathy. Then be sure to read today’s article to learn about essential oils for anxiety .

Quite a few articles on primary care have shown that one in four doctor visits is about anxiety. This is a very serious situation. This is why, in reading today’s article, you will learn how to reduce anxiety by using the three essential oils.

The best essential oils for anxiety

1. Lavender

Lavender oil
Lavender oil is a traditional essential oil with calming and relaxing properties.

The first way to control anxiety is to use lavender oil. Lavender is a plant that many people find healing for its calming and relaxing effects .

How can you use it to control anxiety? All you have to do is pour a few drops of the essential oil into the aromatizer or use it for a gentle massage. By doing this, you can achieve the following advantages:

  • It causes a positive emotional state,
  • Reduces the feeling of stress-induced fatigue,
  • Reduces hostility,
  • It supports harmony and emotional balance.

To enhance the effects of lavender essential oil when you are suffering from anxiety, you can take a hot bath. To do this, put a few drops of the essential oil in the water. It’s the perfect remedy that should be used at least once every two weeks to help control anxiety.

2. Geranium

Geranium essential oil is not that well known. However, like lavender essential oil, it is known for its beneficial effects that will be of use to anyone suffering from anxiety.

As in the previous case, you can use an essential oil diffuser to spread the aroma all over the room and give you the benefits of aromatherapy.

  • Reducing anxiety and agitation,
  • Regaining the balance of the nervous system,
  • Reducing mood swings,
  • Decrease in stress-induced fatigue.

It’s good to know that you can mix geranium essential oil with lavender essential oil. Thanks to this, you will strengthen its action and receive double benefits.

How can you control anxiety with this mixture?

Here’s a little trick. In addition to pouring the essential oil into the aroma, use it to gently massage your feet or other part of the body.

3. Ylang ylang

Ylang Ylang Oil
Although this flower is not that well known, many people say that it is able to soothe anxiety.

If you want to learn how you can control anxiety with essential oils, you can also try ylang ylang oil, which means “flower of flowers”. It’s not very well known, but its properties can play a significant role in reducing anxiety and calming down because:

  • It’s a natural antidepressant
  • Helps to reduce muscle tension,
  • It helps to control anxiety and frustration,
  • Supports the development of well-being.

If you are in a state of heightened anxiety, you can inhale steam. All you have to do is boil water and add a few drops of essential oil. When the water boils, cover your head with a towel, bend over the pot and inhale the steam with the ylang ylang oil.

A few more tips to help you control anxiety

In addition to using the essential oils we have listed, there are other things you should do as well. For example, you can pour your chosen essential oil into an aromatizer and meditate for five to ten minutes. This way you will be able to relax better.

Besides, we must emphasize the importance of exercise. If you don’t like running, you can do yoga. It’s an excellent activity to reduce anxiety and make you feel better.

Moreover, there is no doubt that a visit to a psychologist plays a key role in this case.

Hopefully, you’ve learned how to control anxiety using natural methods. We also encourage you to start professional therapy because it will help you understand the cause of your anxiety and the tools to help you reduce it. In combination with essential oils, it will certainly help you improve your well-being.

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