The Most Dangerous Drugs In The World

Taboo and wrong information are no longer an excuse. You should be aware of the most dangerous drugs in the world.
The most dangerous drugs in the world

Drugs and stimulants are a difficult topic that is associated with a lot of controversy. The most dangerous drugs in the world can also be substances that we can find in any store.

Different countries and states have different rules and, in all aspects of society, disturbing stories of substance abuse are heard.

First of all, it is important to define what stimulants and drugs are and how the people who use them understand them.

Remember that addiction may differ depending on the person and gender.

In this article you will learn what are the most dangerous drugs in the world.

The most dangerous drugs in the world


This stimulant should be given some time. Almost everyone knows about the production, distribution and consumption of this substance. It is part of the controversial and million dollar cigarette industry.

the most dangerous drugs in the world

However, it should be understood that this is a drug. It does not matter whether tobacco is considered a “legal” type of stimulant. It might seem that the most dangerous drugs are hard drugs, but smoking is an equally poisonous and dangerous habit.

The relationship between different types of cancer and tobacco consumption has been proven – the same applies to other chemicals added to tobacco, making it a highly toxic drug, harmful to our health.

Smoking related diseases:

  • lung cancer,
  • chronic pneumonia,
  • bronchial diseases,
  • deterioration of the respiratory tract (mouth, tongue, larynx, pharynx, esophagus, etc.).


You’ve probably all seen this famous TV series: the gifted chemistry teacher and his assistant are the main characters and pioneers in the production of the unique methamphetamine.

Methamphetamine is highly addictive and is also popular in countries such as the United States, Canada, and Europe. Overall, it is known for its crystal-like appearance and can be obtained in the market in powder or tablet form.

This type of drug has a profound effect on the body’s neurochemical system and is immediately addictive.

Consequences of taking methamphetamine:

  • irritability,
  • development and growth of paranoia,
  • increase in serious infections caused by the use of one syringe by more than one person (this is a common custom)
  • hallucinations (can be moderate or intense, depending on the amount of drug consumed).


Alcohol is another drug that is socially accepted and in many countries treated as something “normal” and even “healthy”. However, the effects of alcohol consumption are just as dangerous as they are with other drugs when it comes to their health effects.

Alcohol dependence is the best known consequence of the habit of excessive and frequent consumption of this drug. Alcohol causes harm to society, families and physical health. Its health effects from excessive consumption can be traumatic and irreversible.

stimulants - alcohol

Diseases related to excessive alcohol consumption:

  • cirrhosis
  • hepatitis A and B,
  • severe chronic gastritis (development of venous ulcers)
  • Depending on the health of the individual, scurvy can also be associated with drinking alcohol.


Cocaine consumption is very popular in the drug world. Many South American countries are famous for the production and export of this product, which is derived from the alkaloids found in the coca leaf. Cocaine is in great demand north of the equator : in Mexico and the United States.

The consequences of cocaine consumption are very serious. This drug can be found in many forms: powder, tablet or liquid.

What happens to your body when you use cocaine?

  • The sensitivity of your face increases.
  • You have high heart rate and blood pressure.
  • Your movements are fast, you are excited.
  • You feel elevated levels of stress and sudden paranoia.
  • High levels of dopamine are released in your brain in response to the stimulating chemicals in cocaine.


Heroin is one of the most dangerous drugs in the world. Known for its powerful sedative effects, heroin has caused countless deaths due to lack of knowledge of how much to consume. Remember: there is no such thing as a standard dosage for this drug.

stimulants - heroin

The most famous producers of heroin are in Asia, mainly in Afghanistan. This area contains the raw material for the production of the drug: poppy leaf. Even in China and Taiwan, the consumption of heroin derivatives is used on many occasions.

Regarding the effects heroin exerts on the body, serious and even fatal consequences can arise due to the highly addictive and toxic substances it contains.

What happens to your body when you use heroin?

  • Your pupils widen.
  • Your breathing slows down and your heart beats slower.
  • You fall into an almost instantaneous catatonic state.
  • The sphincters expand.

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