Thyme Properties – Benefits For Our Health

Thyme is a plant known since ancient times for its uses in cooking, cosmetics and medicine. It is now known that the use of this plant relieves cough and inflammation of the respiratory tract. In addition, it reduces digestive disorders and gastrointestinal problems.
Properties of thyme - benefits for our health

Thyme is one of the most popular medicinal plants. It has been used for hundreds of years to obtain interesting benefits for our health. The properties of thyme contribute to the prevention and treatment of some troublesome diseases.

Moreover, due to its unique taste, it is used in Mediterranean cuisine. Do you want to know the benefits and properties of thyme ?

Although this plant is widely used in traditional and (especially Mediterranean) cuisines, few people realize that it can be a great ally for the human body. The properties of thyme are made of essential oils, phenols, but also flavonoids, known for their antioxidant properties.

Properties of thyme – essential nutrients

Thyme is a herb, a thyme from the Lyme family. It is estimated that there are over 400 subspecies of this plant. Thanks to its characteristic taste, it is one of the most used spices in gastronomy. Moreover, due to its properties, it is also popular in traditional medicine. 

What are the most important nutrients of thyme? You will find them below:

Flavonoids and phenolic acids

First of all, remember that thyme is rich in flavonoids and phenolic acids. These antioxidants reduce the damage caused by free radicals in the body. In addition, its antioxidant power minimizes the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Iron and the properties of thyme

Thyme is an excellent source of iron for our health. Remember that iron just helps transport oxygen and contributes to the formation of red blood cells. Therefore, it enables the production of new cells, hormones and neurotransmitters.

Vitamin K.

It is also worth knowing that thyme contains a high level of vitamin K, which is so necessary for the production of proteins, which in turn help the blood to clot properly.


Many of the benefits of thyme are due to its magnesium content. This mineral helps to regulate the work of the heart, ensures the proper functioning of the muscles and the transmission of nerve impulses.

Vitamin C

Finally, this plant is a good source of vitamin C. Therefore, it plays an important role in maintaining the structure of tissues, bones, cartilage, teeth and gums.

Properties of thyme – 5 health benefits

Due to the significant content of essential nutrients, it is not surprising that they are associated with health benefits.

A bunch of thyme

Thyme extract is used in the development of supplements and alternative remedies. What does thyme contribute to?

1. Strengthens the immune system

Due to its antioxidant content, including vitamin C, thyme is a great ally that can support immune system functions. In addition, it has antimicrobial and antiseptic effects. It helps to deal with the different types of viruses and bacteria that attack our body.

Some studies suggest that this plant is effective against respiratory infections and coughing. It is used especially in the form of herbal infusions to help fight colds. We can use thyme as a gargle to soothe mouth infections and sore throats.

2. Thyme as an antioxidant

Many of the benefits of thyme are due to its antioxidant power. It stimulates the entire body, from the digestive system to the muscles, through the immune system.

Thyme - health and properties of thyme

It also fights damage caused by free radicals, reactive molecules that are involved in the development of certain types of cancer and age-related diseases.

3. Thyme properties – good for digestion

Thyme is a plant that stimulates the appetite and soothes the discomfort associated with gastrointestinal disorders. The phenols contained in the plant have an antispasmodic effect and are effective in treating slow digestion, flatulence and pain, as well as relieving intestinal cramps.

A woman's belly

For urinary tract infections, thyme tea helps fight cystitis, urethritis, or inflammation of the prostate.

4. Source of essential minerals

The health benefits of thyme are enormous. Thyme is actually a good source of iron, which is essential for the transport of oxygen and the formation of red blood cells in the body. It also provides vitamin K, which is essential for the production of proteins that play an important role in blood clotting.

Thyme is a source of manganese, which acts as a cofactor for several enzymes that facilitate up to several dozen different metabolic processes, and calcium, which contributes to the proper formation of bones and teeth and maintaining their health.

5. For beauty – thyme

Finally, it is worth knowing that thanks to its antiseptic and healing properties, thyme is used to combat:

Beautiful skin and other properties of thyme
  • skin infections, fungal infections, wounds, herpes and many other skin diseases;
  • it also soothes skin redness, soothes sunburn and minor wounds.

Thyme tea is used in the care of the mouth and teeth because it heals and maintains the health of teeth and gums, and also combats bad breath and tooth decay.


Were you familiar with the benefits and properties of thyme previously described here? Due to the taste and advantages of this plant, it is worth including it in your regular diet.

However, if you are taking any medication or are struggling with a specific medical condition, consult your doctor regarding the use of thyme. In some cases, it may not work well with medications or be counterproductive.

Although thymol is one of the main beneficial ingredients in thyme, an excess of it can be dangerous. In high concentrations, thymol is toxic to our body, which can lead to poisoning and damage to internal organs.

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