Too Much Uric Acid? – Natural Remedy – Step To Health

Cucumbers have diuretic and moisturizing properties that are great at removing excess uric acid from the blood.
Too Much Uric Acid?  - Natural remedy

Sometimes a poor diet based on red meat, giblets, or anchoa fillets can result in excess uric acid that our body cannot remove on its own.

Uric acid crystals gradually build up in the joints and cause severe pain and inflammation. In advanced cases, there is an extremely painful gout, i.e. swelling of the great toe.

Find out how you can eliminate excess uric acid with a 100% natural home remedy!

How can we prevent the development of this unpleasant disease?

Below you will find a recipe for a natural remedy that will effectively help you reduce excess uric acid. Combined with a healthy diet and an active lifestyle, it will make you feel good and reduce your risk of gout.

A natural remedy for excess uric acid

Prepare a natural remedy that will eliminate excess uric acid from the body. It is based only on natural ingredients.

Fresh ginger drink

Stock up on the following vegetables, fruits and herbs with a strong diuretic effect, which stimulate the removal of toxins accumulated in the tissues, and also cleanse them of harmful purines.


  • 1 cucumber
  • 2 celery stalks
  • 200 g of ginger
  • Half a lemon juice
  • A glass of water (200 ml)

These natural ingredients have powerful healing properties to fight uric acid. Do you want to know why?


Cucumbers have diuretic and moisturizing properties that are great at removing excess uric acid from the blood.

This vegetable is a valued element of any healthy diet, mainly because it contains practically no fat. In addition, it is perfect both as an addition to salads and an ingredient of medicinal juices.


Celery refreshes and moisturizes the body. Its characteristic taste gives various dishes a unique character. You can add it to broths, salads, meats, and also use it to make delicious and healthy natural juices.

Fresh celery

Celery provides our body with many benefits. Among other things, it helps to eliminate bad cholesterol and cleanses the body of excess uric acid. As a strong diuretic, it helps to remove toxins and harmful substances, and also has a stimulating effect on the liver. Always try to keep this vegetable in the fridge!


As we have written many times, this healing root is widely used as a natural painkiller and anti-inflammatory agent. It is worth noting, however, that ginger is also great for the treatment of gout and arthritis.

According conducted in January 2010 study, then published in the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology , ginger is a valuable source of chemical compound called 6-shoagole.

This compound is effective in reducing inflammation caused by the accumulation of uric acid crystals. If you don’t have ginger at home, don’t hesitate and go to the grocery store as soon as possible. You can use it not only as an ingredient in a healing agent, but also as an addition to everyday meals.


How many glasses of water do you drink per day?

Answer this question honestly and realize that water is needed to flush excess uric acid from your body. Make sure to drink 6 to 8 glasses of still mineral water every day.

Pure water cleanses our body and helps eliminate toxins and harmful substances that undoubtedly cause many different diseases.


There are few fruits with such powerful cleansing and anti-inflammatory properties as lemon to effectively remove excess uric acid. Due to its alkalizing power, lemon helps eliminate uric acid crystals accumulating in the joints.

In addition, lemon is a valuable source of vitamins and minerals that ensure the smooth functioning of the body on a daily basis.

How to prepare a natural remedy for excess uric acid?

  • Thoroughly wash the cucumber and celery stalks, and then cut them into small pieces to make it easier to get the maximum healing power out of them.
  • Squeeze the juice from half of the lemon and keep the other half in the fridge, it will be useful for you to prepare your medicine the next day.
Cucumber and ginger drink
  • Have you already prepared 200 g of ginger? It is best to measure the exact amount with a kitchen scale as it is an important active ingredient in this medicinal drink.
  • Put all ingredients in a blender, add a glass of water, lemon juice, and then mix until the juice has a uniform texture. Serve with a few ice cubes.
  • How often should you drink this natural remedy? Once a day, preferably right after lunch – this way you will facilitate the digestive system and support the body’s self-cleaning process of excess uric acid and its crystals accumulated in our body.
  • What’s more, you’ll help the liver to optimize its function and reduce joint inflammation in the process.
  • It is recommended to drink this natural remedy for 7 days in a row. Then take a 4-day break and restart your one-week treatment regimen. With regular use, you will not only eliminate excess uric acid, but also lower cholesterol.

The results of the next tests will speak for themselves!

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