Toxic People – How To Remove Them From My Life?

Toxic people - how do I get them out of my life?

We should learn to recognize toxic people  in our lives and, even though it can be painful for us, we need to know that getting them out of our lives will be fundamental to our well-being.

Our life is too short and too good to bear more than necessary. There are many people’s behaviors that can gradually hurt us. These are so-called toxic people and we should learn to run away from them before it’s too late.

In this article, we give you some tips to identify toxic people around you. Kindness and education do not argue with keeping these people and distance from them.

No one is forced to endure this negative wave that brings only problems and worries. Learn to say no and live the life you’ve always wanted.

Toxic people – personality types

First of all, we must remember that we cannot classify as toxic people people with whom we have quarrels or who have a different opinion than us. A toxic personality goes far beyond mere disagreement.

Moreover, we should always be critical of ourselves. Have we ever wondered if we too are toxic to our friends and family?


Although it may be difficult for us to understand, there are bad people who like to hurt. There are many degrees of violence and they develop in different ways. Sometimes, even  aggressive behavior can be considered normal or justified.

offended couple

However, the reality is different. Even if it is a close relative or our partner,  it is very important to nip such behavior in the bud and never allow it. There is no excuse for shouting, attacking or violence. It should never be a normal thing in our life to be in a bad mood, quarrel, anger, intimidation or humiliation.


This type of behavior is based on pure selfishness. These are people who apply the law  “wide for them, narrow for you .” They only call you when they need something.

It’s important to spot this type of person quickly, and most importantly, know how to stop them as early as possible. We can often feel guilty, but we must understand that they are not true friends.

It is enough to test them, copy their behavior, and let them try their own remedy to bring them back to reality.


If we are looking for a metaphor for  negative people, we can compare it to energetic vampires. They absorb our vitality and our spirit. Every situation presents them with a problem or difficulty, even good opportunities that arise.

They are specialists in creating fear. And every time you share with them a project, travel idea or dream, they will find nothing but minuses and dangers. If we follow this trail, we will end up completely still and fill our heads with doubts and indecision.


Each of us can have a bad financial streak. We should not criticize this. It also does not mean that the person is toxic. However, when that person starts to avoid you, just to avoid having to pay you back, problems begin.

upset woman

These people are easy to spot because theoretically they don’t have the money to pay you back, but still allow themselves other expenses. There is one reliable advice to distance yourself from these types of people: if they deceive you once, the fault is theirs. If they deceive you a second time, the fault is yours.


Nothing is more toxic than having a jealous friend. Someone who criticizes or jealousy instead of rejoicing when good things happen in your life. A jealous friend holds a grudge against you, and sooner or later it will turn into a betrayal.

Jealous forgets all the effort you’ve invested to achieve his and never appreciates what he has. He always idealizes the lives of others and often suffers from an inferiority complex. Jealousy of social position, happiness, beauty, material things, etc.

How to get away from toxic people?

Put these tips into practice so that you are not influenced by toxic people:

  • Try to follow your own criteria and do not accept toxic behavior as normal.
  • Trust no one who cannot keep a secret.
  • Do not allow anyone to despise or underestimate you.
  • Remember that whoever speaks badly of someone else in front of you will speak badly of you to others.
  • A person who cannot keep a secret will never be a good friend.
  • Move away from grumbling. It won’t do any good.
  • Always face situations.
  • Do not trust anyone who destroys others to achieve your goal.

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