Traditional And Easy Flan Recipe

A quick and easy way to learn Spanish flan

Delicious flan always tastes good after the meal is finished. Today we will introduce you to a recipe to make flan quick and easy.

We all like delicious flan. There are so many different recipes that we could prepare one every day for several months and not repeat ourselves. The intense flavor and creamy texture are an invitation to taste this delicious dessert. We’re sure you’ll want some more.

One of the tastiest flans is the one made from eggs, the recipe of which we will present today. This flan is of Spanish origin but has changed in the different countries where it is prepared. For example, in Argentina, dulce de leche, or caramel cream, is added to it, which makes it even more appetizing.

Good effect on health

The first benefit we can find in this delicious dessert is that it contains iodine. It can be said that just over 33% of the content is iodine, which makes it an important source of this element. Iodine is important for metabolism, regulation of energy levels, and proper cell function.

Iodine is an essential element for the functioning of the thyroid gland, which is responsible for processing cholesterol in cells. As a nutrient, it also helps strengthen the hair, skin and nails. Flan is a product that contains a large amount of sugar.

egg flan

However, its protein and mineral content makes it a good nutritional food. In fact, if we want to eat a sweet and healthy flan, it might be one of our first options.

But it is better to use unrefined sugar. The dessert also contains other minerals, such as calcium, which are important for strengthening bones.


As you can see below, this will be a recipe that will take you a little over an hour, but is fairly easy to make. This is the perfect dessert to surprise your family after lunch or dinner.

  • 1 liter of milk
  • 8 eggs (480 g).
  • 1 cup of brown sugar (100 g).
  • Vanilla essence to taste.
  • Caramel (it can be prepared with half a cup of sugar).


  1. Boil the milk with sugar. Do not forget to constantly stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  2. Set the mixture aside and let it cool until lukewarm.
  3. Place eight eggs in a bowl and beat, adding vanilla to taste.
  4. When you get the right consistency, add the milk and sugar mixture and mix well. Then strain well.
  5. Pour the caramel that you have prepared with water and sugar over the bottom and edges of the mold. Pour the mixture into the baking tin and place it in a baking dish with water.
  6. Cook for about 50 to 55 minutes (approximately). To check if it is ready, put a wooden stick. If it is dry, our homemade flan is ready.
  7. Let it cool, then remove it from the mold.

There are several ways to serve this homemade flan. Usually caramel can be added for a sweeter taste. You can also add dulce de leche or whipped cream.

dulce de leche


As we mentioned earlier, flan comes in many varieties. The one we introduced to you can also be called flan dulce de leche if you add them to milk and eggs. Of course, in this case, no more sugar is used. Nutritionally you would add a few more grams of fat, but the result is just as delicious.

Probably the most common of all is vanilla flan. This is probably because it is very easy and it always comes out very tasty. In fact, our recipe can be called vanilla flan because we use vanilla. However, for the flan, which is truly vanilla, you don’t use essence, but real vanilla.

We encourage you to prepare this delicious and easy dessert. Prepare it next time and surprise your friends and family. If you like this recipe, try some others that are just as easy and tasty.

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