Trapping Gases – What Happens To The Body?

Trapping gases in the body can negatively affect your health. Find out what can happen if you don’t expel the gases naturally.
Trapping gases - what happens to the body?

In most cases, the expulsion of gases is quite embarrassing. Especially when you are around other people. At times like these, you can try to keep the gases out, rather than exposing yourself to embarrassment. But trapping gases can be unhealthy.

Urinating, defecating, vomiting and practically everything related to the excretion of waste from our body is unpleasant for us and does not have a positive effect on our image. However, this is something completely natural.

Few people know how harmful gas retention is for our body. The health consequences vary depending on how often you do it. The more you do it, the more harmful it becomes.

Why is gas trapping harmful?

Bloating can be caused by the food we eat, the air we breathe, and even the bacteria produced during digestion. The expulsion of gases is necessary to prevent health problems. The following are the consequences of trapping gases:

  • abdominal pain,
  • unpleasant smell,
  • stomach ache,
  • peritonitis (in severe cases),
  • gastritis.
gas retention

Gas expulsion is natural, and everyone should do so 14 to 18 times a day. You will most likely expel gas more if you eat high-fiber foods or drink gas drinks, such as various soft drinks.

Health problems

Doctors say you can tell someone’s health through gas and gas. They show the health of the digestive system not only by smell – because of the ingredients that cause it – but also by the amount of gas you excrete each day.

If you are already suffering from this, trapping gas may only make it worse.

Trapping gas may prevent symptoms from being recognized correctly. For example, colic or abdominal swelling can be caused by thousands of diseases. However, if you have a bad habit of trapping gas, you won’t be able to figure out what is really causing it. You may have other gas-related symptoms, such as:

  • temperature changes,
  • skin rashes
  • blood in the stool
  • weight loss
  • diarrhea,
  • tiredness.

It is important to see your doctor immediately to assess your symptoms and perform the necessary tests to identify the disease in question. Otherwise, the most common recommended thing is – instead of holding the gases – to stop producing them by following a few rules.

How to prevent gases

1. Pay attention to your diet

All food produces gas when it is digested in the body. However, some foods increase your gas levels and make it harder for your intestines to function. Instead of removing certain foods from your diet, it is better to eat them in small amounts if you are constantly bloated.

gas retention - diet

First of all, reduce the consumption of dairy products, i.e. products such as milk, cheese, butter and ice cream. Certain vegetables, fruits, and legumes should also be avoided:

  • cabbage,
  • cucumber,
  • corn,
  • broccoli,
  • onion,
  • radish,
  • cauliflower,
  • raisins,
  • plums,
  • beans, peas, and lentils.

Besides dietary changes, there are other ways to aid digestion and prevent excessive gas.

2. Don’t eat too much

3. Avoid soft drinks

Drinks, soft drinks and beer contain a lot of gas. This gas goes straight into the stomach and causes swelling, which then causes gas. Drink them in moderation and don’t use a straw as you will consume more gas then.

gases - drinks

4. Chew thoroughly

5. Don’t drink cold drinks at night

It will cool your stomach. Better to spend the whole evening drinking warm or room temperature drinks.

gas retention - cold drinks

It is always important to listen to your body. We are all adults and we are all human – it is natural for us to expel gases. Remember that it’s good to be decent and prudent, but don’t let your body’s natural processes be disrupted.

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