Underarm Skin Discoloration: How To Deal With Them?

If you want to avoid discoloration and stains under the armpits, you must remember about regular peeling and exfoliation of dead skin cells.
Underarm Discoloration: How to Treat Them?

Discoloration of the skin in the armpits does not necessarily mean health problems. However, many women feel ashamed and worry about unsightly skin.

If discoloration of the skin in the armpits also bothers you, today we will tell you how to combat and prevent them. You will be able to enjoy smooth, uniform, healthy-looking skin thanks to a few simple home treatments.

Underarm skin discoloration can be caused by a number of different factors, including:

  • Excessive sweating
  • Inaccurate cleansing of the skin
  • Excessive use of deodorants and antiperspirants, especially those with an unproven composition
  • A build-up of dead skin
  • Frequent shaving of the delicate skin of the armpits without proper preparation for the treatment
  • Genetic factors

Fortunately, underarm skin discoloration can be dealt with quickly and effectively with home-made, natural remedies that you can easily apply to your skin. You will see that the dark spots will disappear and the skin will regain a uniform, healthy color.

The best natural remedies for underarm skin discoloration

 1. Exfoliating and cleansing peeling from sugar and lemon

Lemon has well-known lightening properties. Sugar, in turn, is a natural peeling that effectively and thoroughly removes dead skin cells. It is important, however, to use such a peeling for discoloration of the skin under the armpits in the evening.

It may cause slight irritation and the skin may react with sensitivity to the sun and deodorant or antiperspirant.

Discoloration of the skin in the armpits will help you eliminate the brightening and exfoliating peeling.


  • 1 tablespoon of brown sugar (15 g)
  • 1/2 cup of lemon juice (100 ml)

Preparation and application

  • Mix lemon juice with brown sugar and apply directly to the skin under the arms with a very gentle massage.
  • Leave the peeling on the skin for 15 minutes. Then rinse it with cool water and gently pat your skin dry with a towel.

2. Apply coconut oil in the evening

You can apply the oil in the evening, just before going to bed. In the morning, just rinse it with cool water. You can also use coconut oil as a deodorant. Thanks to this, you will soon be able to enjoy the brightened skin of the armpits with a uniform color.

3. Fight discoloration of the skin under the arms with yogurt and oatmeal

This homemade and surprisingly simple treatment has powerful brightening and exfoliating properties. Thanks to this, it will be perfect if you are bothered by discoloration of the skin under the armpits. Such a peeling removes dead skin cells and reduces discoloration.

One of the biggest advantages of this peeling is that you can easily prepare it at home!

Apply yoghurt and oat scrub, which will also moisturize the delicate skin of the armpits.


  • 1 tablespoon of natural yoghurt (20 g)
  • 1/2 teaspoon of oatmeal (3 g)

Preparation and application

  • Mix the oatmeal with the yogurt until the flakes soften a little and form a smooth paste.
  • Rub the yogurt scrub into the skin of your armpits using a gentle massage with circular movements.
  • Then rinse the scrub with plenty of cool water.
  • Dry the skin gently with a towel.

In addition to deep cleansing of the skin under the arms, this combination of ingredients will also keep the skin moisturized and smooth. If you shave frequently and regularly, remember to apply a moisturizing scrub twice a week.

4. Apply the milk with a cotton pad

Lactic acid is a very effective ingredient to lighten dark spots on the skin under the arms. It is thanks to its strong exfoliating properties that milk removes dead skin cells from the armpit area.

In addition, milk helps to remove residual deodorants and antiperspirants. They are often the cause of dark spots and discoloration.

Preparation and application

  • Pour some milk into the glass. Soak a cotton pad in it and apply milk to your skin.
  • Leave them in the form of a compress for 10 minutes.
  • If you want to lighten your armpits quickly and effectively, repeat the treatment at least twice a day.

5. Brightening cucumber mask

You will find a lot of vitamin E in cucumbers.  They are also rich in water and natural oils. It is the perfect blend of ingredients that provide hydration, cleansing and refreshment.

Thanks to their moisturizing, exfoliating and disinfecting properties, cucumbers are great for fighting dark spots in the armpits.

Cucumber brightens, moisturizes and nourishes the skin.


  • 1 tablespoon of blended cucumber (10 g)
  • 2 drops of lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon of turmeric (3 g)

Preparation and application

  • Mix ingredients until they combine into a smooth paste.
  • After thoroughly cleansing the armpits, apply a compress for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse.
  • Repeat the treatment every three days.
  • If turmeric turns your skin yellow, you can remove the discoloration by washing it off thoroughly with warm water or by applying milk to your skin with a cotton swab.

If you want to enhance the effects of these treatments, also consider the following:

  • Wash your armpits thoroughly but gently before applying the treatments
  • Avoid deodorants and antiperspirants that contain alcohol
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle and make sure that your diet is varied and rich
  • Also, avoid shaving with disposable razors.

What to do to prevent the discoloration of the skin under the armpits from coming back?

  • If you know that the delicate skin of your armpits will be exposed to the sun, be sure to put some sunscreen on it.
  • Also remember about regular peels and exfoliation. This will help you get rid of excess dead skin and cosmetic residues.
  • Eat foods rich in vitamins E and K.
  • Drink at least 2 liters (8 glasses) of water a day to keep your body hydrated – including the skin.
  • Look for natural deodorants with safe compositions or prepare your own natural deodorant at home. However, if you want to use drugstores, avoid those with drying alcohol and an excessive amount of artificial fragrances.

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