Voice And Throat – 9 Natural Medicines

In addition to using these natural remedies, avoiding harmful habits such as tobacco and temperature changes is essential to keeping your throat healthy.
Voice and throat - 9 natural remedies

Singers, speakers, and anyone else who needs to talk a lot during the day should try these remedies to take care of your voice and throat. In addition to the aforementioned people, those who have lost their voice or suffer from chronic throat diseases may benefit from them as well.

In today’s article, we will discover the best natural solutions to protect your voice and throat simply and effectively.

Harmful factors for our voice

There are many different factors that negatively affect the voice and throat:

  • Incorrect speech and overloading of the vocal cords
  • Shouting or speaking excessively
  • Smoking
  • Contamination
  • Temperature changes and air conditioners

From an internal point of view, the poor condition of our organs can also harm the throat. Besides the flu and colds, there is also a connection between the throat and the thyroid gland or intestines.

Medicines for the voice and throat

1. Grandmother

Plantain is a plant native to Europe. It grows in humid areas, near rivers and water.

  • We can eat it in the form of tea or gargle with it

2. Mallow

Mallow, or Malvaviscus, has an effect similar to that of plantain, thanks to the high content of sticky substances.

These substances are a kind of gelatinous fiber found in flowers and leaves. They protect the mucus, both in the mouth or throat as well as in the stomach or intestines.

Mallow has anti-inflammatory, antitussive and emollient properties that help with a variety of problems:

  • Sore throat
  • Cough, especially dry
  • Loss of voice
  • Hoarseness
  • Pharyngitis
  • Colds

3. Sage

Sage has important anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Both are necessary to heal the inflamed areas of the upper respiratory tract.

In these cases, sage can help with any throat problem. It’s great for tonsillitis, coughing, hoarseness, or laryngitis.

Sage for voice and throat

4. Propolis

Propolis is a natural miracle of antibiotics, making it a great option for boosting your immune system and fighting throat infections.
It also has antiseptic properties and is rich in vitamins, minerals and essential oils. It is ideal for all acute and chronic inflammation of the respiratory tract.

  • In times of crisis, we can take 5 drops per hour until we feel better, and then reduce the dose when our condition improves

5. Ginger

Ginger is a root with a refreshing and spicy flavor. It can cause heat which is very worthy of being beneficial to the throat.

Ginger for a healthy voice and throat
  • We can use ginger in teas or drinks. We can also choose the method of sucking its juice – if we deal with the spiciness.
  • On a gastronomic level, we can add it to meat and fish dishes to give them more moisture.

6. Cinnamon

Ceylon cinnamon, being the variety with the most positive health benefits, has heating, circulatory, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

Its numerous benefits make it a versatile remedy for the care and treatment of throat problems. We can use it in teas, in combination with lemon juice and honey or pure stevia.

7. Garlic


Garlic, like propolis, is a powerful natural antibiotic. Garlic cleans and calms the throat and, if necessary, also reduces pain.

  • Garlic should ideally be eaten raw. However, if we have difficulty digesting it, it is also available in capsules.

8. Turmeric

Turmeric is a spice that reduces inflammation and pain. It is a great addition to the daily diet, thanks to which we can avoid medications and their possible side effects.

  • We can add turmeric to tea or prepare the famous golden milk.

9. Apple cider vinegar

Apple vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a medicine for many different diseases.

In the case of the throat, if we dilute the vinegar in warm water, we can rinse the throat with it, which will help fight the infection and also eliminate mucus blocked on the vocal cords.

Use it every morning on an empty stomach to eliminate toxins and improve your voice.

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