Waking Up The Baby To Change The Nappy – Is It A Good Idea?

Waking up your baby to change the diaper is not always necessary. Find out when you don’t need to.
Waking your baby to a nappy change - is that a good idea?

A child’s skin is much more sensitive than that of an adult. Urine, poop and even some cosmetics – all this can cause irritation, which is very bothersome for a baby. Therefore, a baby’s diaper should be changed regularly, but… Is  it a good idea to wake your baby for a nappy change?

The answer to that question is, “It depends.” Even very little children are different. Sometimes the problems with falling asleep a baby are so great that when you finally manage to lull the baby, no parent will dare to wake the baby to change the diaper and struggle with the dissatisfaction of their child.

However, if your baby has very sensitive skin, then it may be necessary to wake your baby up for a nappy change for reasons of comfort and health. Otherwise, the infant could develop diaper dermatitis.

Is it necessary to wake up my baby for a nappy change?

As we mentioned in the introduction, children are different. What is good for one child may prove fatal for another. Therefore, each toddler requires an individual approach and you cannot treat all of your children equally.

Waking up the baby to change the diaper - mom sprinkles the baby with talcum powder

Only parents who spend 24 hours a day with a child can determine what their needs are. However, together we can learn about the factors that have a huge impact on determining whether it is necessary to wake your baby for a diaper change.

Which is more important – sleep or hygiene?

Changing the diaper when the baby is awake is not a problem. However, determining whether it is worth waking a napping toddler in order to change him or her can be a serious dilemma. Therefore, you as parents should decide: sleep or hygiene?

Mom and baby - wake up baby for a diaper change

Babies most often have a bowel movement when food reaches their stomach. Such a phenomenon is technically called the duodenal reflex. If you make a pile, you will need to change your diaper.

However, it is worth mentioning that babies fed with formula milk wake up on their own every three hours as a result of a full diaper. Thanks to this, you do not have to worry about unnecessary waking up the baby to change it.

“But my baby is sleeping 6 hours or more, what should I do ?!

Parents whose children sleep 6 or 7 hours non-stop have the most problems with waking a toddler to change a diaper. For this reason, many young mothers seek advice from their pediatricians.

If you use disposable diapers, you and your baby can sleep well. Such diapers, especially those intended for the night, are designed to absorb as much fluid as possible.

Thanks to their absorbency, diapers remain dry even for those problematic 6-7 hours. This means that you do not have to worry about changing your little one until the morning.

Baby with a teddy bear

However, remember to change the nappy before putting it to sleep  and make sure that the baby’s skin is clean and dry. Also take care of his skin; anti-irritation ointment will prevent possible chafes and rash. You can ask your pediatrician for advice on choosing a cream.

The same applies to waking a baby for night feeding. Your little one will likely fall asleep while breastfeeding. There is no point in waking him up again  for a diaper change.

 Especially since a good-quality diaper should remain dry until the morning. However, try to change your baby as soon as he / she wakes up.

When should I wake my baby up for a nappy change?

To minimize the risk of excessive moisture in the cot, you can use special cot pads. A towel or a blanket can also do this well. Remember that the child should not be exposed to prolonged contact with a wet surface.

Another time when you need to change your baby immediately is diarrhea. When your baby suffers from diarrhea, his  feces are more acidic and may be more irritating to your baby’s skin. 

Even if you are using disposable diapers with strong absorn properties, you need to change them immediately in case of diarrhea. Be prepared for the fact that your toddler waking from sleep will be very fussy and lulling him back to sleep will be a big problem.

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