We Eliminate Bad Cholesterol With Natural Methods

In addition to avoiding easily digestible fats and sugars, oatmeal reduces cholesterol. The fiber contained in it hinders its absorption and promotes its elimination.
We eliminate bad cholesterol by natural means

Cholesterol is a lipid belonging to the group of steroids that the human body needs in limited amounts to function properly. However, low-density lipoprotein (LDL), the so-called bad cholesterol,  builds up in the smooth muscle fibers of the artery walls, causing them to stick together and is responsible for many diseases.

Fortunately, there is also a good form of cholesterol. It is a high-density lipoprotein, thanks to which LDL is more efficiently transported to the liver and eliminated there.

The cells of the human body need cholesterol to function properly, and the body provides it for them. However, the food we serve on the tables today is rich in its particles, and this can lead to a build-up of bad cholesterol that clogs the lumen of the arteries and causes their walls to stiffen.

When these vessels lose their elasticity and their patency is reduced – blood flow and proper circulation are very difficult. Knowing the consequences, you should especially take care of a proper diet and lifestyle that will protect you from too high cholesterol or help lower it.

How is your cholesterol? Do you check its level regularly?

Natural remedies for too high cholesterol

Birch infusion

It is a deciduous tree characterized by the ability to help eliminate unnecessary products and excess cholesterol from the blood. The infusion is prepared from birch leaves and it is recommended to consume three cups a day.


  • half a tablespoon of dried birch leaves
  • one glass of water (250ml)

A method of preparing:

Put the water on the burner and when it starts to boil, add half a tablespoon of the leaves and let it simmer for five minutes. After the recommended time, leave to cool for 10 minutes and consume in the above-recommended doses.

Oat water

Oat water

Oatmeal is one of the healthiest products and should be included in the daily diet of not only those who want to lower cholesterol. It is rich in fiber, which helps to absorb fats and lowers sugar levels in your body.

To take full advantage of the benefits of oatmeal, it is recommended to prepare oatmeal water and consume it several times a day.


  • 3 tablespoons of porridge
  • liter of water

A method of preparing:

Put three tablespoons of porridge in the dish and pour a liter of water. Then leave it overnight and consume it the next day.

Eggplant water

Eggplant water has recently gained special popularity due to its beneficial effect on the fat burning process. It has recently been shown that the bad cholesterol in the blood has been reduced in people who regularly consume this mixture. It owes this to “nasuninie”, a compound by which free radicals are removed from the body.


  • one eggplant
  • two liters of water

A method of preparing:

Eggplant cut into pieces, put in a pot of water and leave to cook. A few minutes after boiling the water, wait for it to cool down and consume it several times a day.

Red wine and parsley


A glass of red wine a day will effectively lower cholesterol. Responsible for this are polyphenols – antioxidants that we find in it. In addition to eliminating bad cholesterol, they contribute to raising the level of the good cholesterol.

Meanwhile , flavonoids are present in parsley, and thanks to apiol, an aromatic chemical compound, it is a natural agent that widens the light of blood vessels.

By combining these two ingredients, we will obtain an excellent medicine that will lower cholesterol in the blood, and at the same time will be a means of improving circulation.


  • 750ml of red wine
  • 50g of parsley

A method of preparing:

Put red wine in the bottle, add 50g of parsley, close the bottle tightly and set aside for 12 days. After the recommended time, consume one glass of the mixture a day.

Artichoke infusion

Artichoke infusion is an ideal way to cleanse the body, and at the same time it will lower cholesterol. In addition, frequent consumption of this drink will support the weight loss process.


  • two artichoke leaves
  • a glass of water (250)

A method of preparing:

Boil the artichoke leaves in water for 15 minutes. Then remove from heat and leave to cool for five minutes. It is best to drink the infusion on an empty stomach. Not recommended for people with digestive problems.

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