Why Do We Suffer From Aches In The Heart? Have You Ever Felt It?

While a twinge in the heart may indicate serious problems, this is not always the case. Sometimes it is only the body’s reaction to stressful situations or it appears as a result of unhealthy habits.
Stinging in the heart - why do we feel it?

Stabbing in the heart is a symptom that we should not ignore. The heart is the hardest working organ in the human body. It performs about 115,000 beats a day, it beats 80 times a minute and 42 million times a year, even when we are resting.

Thanks to it, clean, rich in oxygen and nutrients, healthy blood circulates through our body, thus nourishing all the tissues of our body. When something goes wrong, there may be pains in the heart, among other things .

Although our cardiovascular system is designed perfectly, sometimes various disorders of its work appear. They may indicate a defect or some health problem.

Stinging in the heart is one such disorder. This symptom, although it occurs so often in many people, is not fully understood. If you want to learn a bit more about what a stinging sensation is and why it occurs, be sure to read on.

Stinging in the heart – what is it really?

Pain in the chest

As the name implies, a stabbing sensation in the heart is an unpleasant stinging sensation in the chest. It can take the form of a one-time pain or a feeling of throbbing beats.

It usually appears unexpectedly and causes other symptoms as well, including:

  • Difficulties with breathing
  • A feeling of heaviness in the chest
  • Ache
  • Stress
  • Feeling anxious or anxious

Why do we feel a prickling sensation in our heart?

This unpleasant and disturbing sensation can be related to a myriad of causes. In order to detect them, it is worth observing your body. However, there is a list of the most common. Here they are:

1. Muscle tension

The stinging sensation sometimes appears as a result of tension in the muscles. It very often occurs when we make an effort while staying outdoors.

To feel relieved in such a situation, it is worth:

  • Stay calm
  • Breathe steadily
  • Let the pain go away on its own

2. Stress and anxiety

Stressed woman at work

Anxiety and stress can be a direct cause of stinging in the chest. This is because feeling anxious puts our body into a state of extreme tension.

Sometimes – ironically – the stinging in the heart does not arise during a stressful moment, but on the contrary, when we finally find a moment to relax and rest.

3. Increased body activity

When our heart rate is faster and our heart rate increases, we usually breathe much faster. This, in turn, may cause a stinging sensation.

4. Pericarditis

Pericarditis occurs as a result of inflammation of the serous membrane surrounding our heart. However, not all of us know that the pericardium has very important functions in our body. He is responsible, inter alia, for:

  • Storage of the fluid to moisturize the heart and reduce friction during its work.
  • Restricting the heart’s mobility and keeping it from shifting.
  • Controlling pressure in the heart.
  • Isolating it from other parts of the body and preventing infections.

5. Arrhythmia

Arrhythmia is nothing more than a disturbance of the heart rhythm consisting in lowering it or accelerating it. It can cause a strong stinging sensation, among other things.

This ailment may appear as a result of, among others:

  • Smoking a cigarette
  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Abuse of caffeine
  • Excess exercise
  • Obesity

6. Myocardial infarction

The heart muscle is the tissue responsible for pumping blood through the circulatory system. This is done through contractions.

What makes my heart feel stabbed?

The woman suffers from a twinge in her heart

Although any unpleasant stinging sensation in the heart can occur in any of us, there are factors that increase the risk of problems with the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Among them you can mention:

  • Hypertension
  • Obesity
  • Smoking
  • Elevated cholesterol levels
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Old age

Stinging in the heart – what to do when it appears?

The first thing to remember when experiencing this symptom is that you must not panic and lose your temper.

The best we can do in such a situation is:

  • To relax.
  • Calm your breathing and slow it down. To achieve this, it is worth using popular relaxation techniques.
  • Massage the area where the pain has appeared to improve the work of the heart.
  • Drink some water to keep the tissues moist.
  • Wait until the unpleasant feeling disappears.

However, if the problem occurs regularly, you will probably need to see your doctor.

They will be able to order sufficiently detailed heart examinations via an EKG. He will prescribe you medication if necessary.

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