Working Mother – How To Reconcile These Two Roles?

Working mother - how to reconcile these two roles?

Although women have been omnipresent in the labor market for many years, a working mother still poses a great challenge to society.

Reconciling family life with a full-time job is still not considered in almost most countries around the world. The working mother must therefore independently develop numerous strategies to reconcile these two important life roles. It must be admitted that this is a very difficult task.

While women are free to move around the labor market and apply for a variety of positions, even managerial and director positions, there are still many open questions, such as wage equality with male representatives and the state’s attitude towards motherhood.

The status of a working woman undoubtedly provides a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction, and the fact of being a mother turns women into happy and loving creatures. How can these two spheres important in life be reconciled? We invite you to reflect on this topic.

Working mother of the 21st century, or “Superwoman”

A working woman spends 4 to 8 hours a day at the workplace. If she is also a mother, as a result she works two jobs and cannot take a moment to rest.

  • A working mother gets up early in the morning to organize the day with her partner (if any) and children, and to fairly assign responsibilities to each of the parties.
  • After preparing breakfast for the whole family and getting the children ready for school, he goes to work where he spends 4 to 8 hours. What about after work? Cooking, washing, cleaning, helping with homework, transporting children to extracurricular activities.

However, the above scenario can be attributed to the “ideal” ones. In fact, many working mothers are unable to pick up their children from school and then look after them.

It is often only late in the evening that they find a moment to spend a moment with their partner and their children.

The principle of equality does not apply in any sphere

  • In many households, only the woman is responsible for the housekeeping and childcare.
  • A woman’s wages for her work are often viewed as “supplement” to her husband’s earnings.
  • In the public sphere, the working mother continues to face discrimination. Pregnancy is often synonymous with dismissal.
Working mother and baby

Gender equality continues to be a great social problem and being a working mother is a huge stress for most women.

Norway – a paradise for working mothers

Undoubtedly, the rest of the countries should start following in the footsteps of this Scandinavian mother’s paradise.

Here are some examples of a pro-woman policy that helps a working mother stay stress-free:

  • The law grants a new mother 46 weeks of 100% paid leave, or 56 weeks of 80% of her previous pay.
  • The father is entitled to 10-12 weeks of holiday.
  • Norwegian families receive EUR 125 per child per child from the state up to the age of 18.
  • Norway has 4.9 million inhabitants and 80% of all women are in employment.
  • 44% of management positions are held by women. This status quo has been achieved through gender equality policies.

The birth of a new generation: the “alpha mother”

In recent years, mainly due to the economic crisis and the incredibly rapid progress in the development of new technologies, a new profile of the working mother has started to emerge. It is gaining a stronger and stronger position in our society.

  • An alpha mother is a working mother who puts raising children above all else.
  • Although most of the household chores are on her shoulders, she leads an active lifestyle, both on a social and professional level.
  • Thanks to the development of new technologies, many working mothers carry out some of the work at home, shop online, stay up to date with all the news from the world of fashion, science, personal development, etc.
  • Alpha mothers are usually women between the ages of 35 and 49, often single parents. In life, they focus on raising their children, their own happiness and well-being.
  • A working alpha mother reliably draws up schedules, lives in the present moment, cares for a healthy diet for herself and her children, and exercises full control over her own life and home.
  • They are undoubtedly women who take full responsibility for their professional and social life, but put the proper development of their children above all else.
working alpha mother

The working alpha mother also fits perfectly with the recently popular slow parenting trend . It is about a pressure-free childhood that involves raising a child wisely without stress and without participating in the ubiquitous rat race.

Of course, this is not an easy task and requires a lot of patience and self-denial on the part of parents.

Every household requires regular financial injections, which in turn causes them to spend many hours at work. We can therefore count on the state authorities and society itself to see the need to support working mothers.

Investment in raising children is an investment in the future of society.

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