Yoga – Several Poses That Will Help You Lose Weight Quickly

By reading this article, you will learn that yoga, and more specifically some of its positions, will effectively help you lose extra pounds and regain a sense of lightness.
Yoga - several positions that will help you lose weight quickly

Many people want to know which yoga poses are the best for losing weight as soon as they start practicing this discipline. This is because the figure that can be achieved through the skillful use of selected positions is one of the main arguments by which yoga attracts people.

When a practitioner takes the lotus position, he or she does much more than just meditate and calm the mind. Yoga is primarily physical benefits: a more slender, flexible and sculpted figure, and thus a healthy body.

It should be noted that you do not need to be very slim or be very slim to start practicing yoga. Practically yoga is available to everyone. You only need to choose the right one for you to exercise. Everyone can exercise their body to improve their health!

How can yoga help you get rid of excess pounds?

As time goes on, yoga can become not so much a pastime but a habit. It is enough to devote a dozen or so minutes a day to it, and soon your body will start to get used to this type of activity and start to reap a lot of benefits from it. The most visible, direct benefits yoga offers include:

  • Improving blood circulation
  • Increasing energy and vitality
  • Improving the quality of sleep
  • Improving mental and emotional health
  • Stress elimination
  • Improve your mood
  • Relieve tension
  • The feeling of being relaxed

What does the process of losing weight thanks to yoga look like? It is a very simple matter. This is simply done in the world by regularly straining the muscles that occurs in certain “asanas” or simply postures.

How it’s working?

When you practice yoga, your body positions itself in a specific way and stays in that position for a short time (from a few seconds to a few minutes). If you hold this position, your body stays in a very tense position all the time. Then the muscles contract or stretch, depending on the specific body position.

In other words, yoga offers a lot of poses that are great for losing weight, and almost all of the poses will do just fine. However, repeating some of these regularly can help us burn more fat.

To a greater or lesser extent, maintaining a specific position described below for a period of time will effectively help us burn fat, stimulate muscles and sculpt specific parts of the body.

yoga - elderly woman with a trainer

Of course, yoga itself is not enough. Most will depend on the proper selection of exercises and their intensity. In this sense, yoga instructors tend to gradually increase the complexity of the pose and the amount of time it takes to hold it.

In this way, your body will have the opportunity to get used to the burdens that await it and develop the ability to resist them.

Your weight loss will be progressive, which is important to keep in mind.

It should be noted that depending on the personal diet used, weight loss may occur almost immediately or only after an extended period of practicing exercise. Yoga by itself cannot guarantee you weight loss if it is not accompanied by a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition.

Yoga – the best positions to help you lose weight

If you don’t feel like exercising or you just don’t have time to go to yoga class, don’t worry. You can perform all the exercises described below in the comfort of your home. You only need 30 minutes a day (and a little peace and space). Remember: the quality of the exercise counts, not the space around you.

The main weight loss poses yoga can offer you are as follows:

1. Cobra pose

This is one of the most effective positions yoga can offer you for weight loss. It works on many different muscles at the same time.

The cobra pose is very easy to do. You just have to lie face down on the yoga mat and support yourself with your hands at shoulder height. Then straighten your arms to lift your torso off the floor. Tilt your head back. And that’s all.

Woman practicing yoga position

You can keep your eyes open, focused on a fixed point, or just close them. Take a deep breath several times. However, it is important to keep your body as tight as possible.

2. The position of the warrior

This asana should be performed while standing, it is great for strengthening your limbs. Bring one foot forward and put the other foot behind you. Bend your front knee slightly.

Put all your weight on your toes. Raise your arms above your head and bring both hands together. Do not slouch.

3. The position of the fish – yoga for those working at the computer

Yoga fish position

Lie on your back on the floor with your legs pressed together and extended. Place your hands along the sides of your body (down to your thighs). Straighten up. Now forcefully push your chest upwards, arching your back. Let your head fall back naturally, rest your full body weight on your hands and elbows.

Your back will be very arched. Stay in this position for a few seconds and slowly return to the starting position to avoid dizziness.

4. The position of the candle

This particular position may seem a bit more complicated, but just like the fish, you will be able to do this exercise without any problems. Thanks to this position, you will increase blood flow to the brain, strengthen your legs, and be able to effectively work on your abdominal muscles.

Lie on your back with your legs straight and your arms at the sides of your body. Lift your legs up so that they are perpendicular to the ground.

Move your legs as far back as possible (the point is to make your toes touch the floor, reaching as far behind your head as possible). Stay in this position for a few seconds. Breathe deeply and slowly return to the original position.

5. Tree position

With this asana, you will train your abs and strengthen the balance of your entire body. Stand up with your back straight. Raise your left foot and prop it against your right knee. Raise your arms above your head and bring your palms together. Hold this position for a few seconds.

Tree position

6. Growing position

The growing position helps to effectively improve your metabolism and strengthen your back and chest muscles at the same time. To perform it, you need to lie on your stomach.

Then place your arms alongside your body. Grasp your feet in your hands and lift your head up. Hold this position (commonly referred to as a “cart”) for a minute or two, then slowly return to the original position.

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